** ALERT: NOW READ THIS: ** -- gold.txt -- This is a simple text file. It is NOT a web page. THIS FILE CAN **NOT** BE VIEWED WELL ON A CELL PHONE (too wide). VIEW ONLY ON A COMPUTER MONITOR OR WITH A TABLET DEVICE. THE FED SAID: Our high INFLATION IS ONLY "TRANSITORY." DAN MARTIN SAYS: "LIKE THE 500-CAR FREIGHT TRAIN RUNNING OVER YOU IS ONLY "TRANSITORY." The Real Truth: Buying Gold now WILL NOT make you RICH later. **BUT** The same Truth: Buying Gold NOW WILL keep you from being POOR later. VIEWING THIS ON THE WEB? Your web browser MAY allow you to jump directly to the links further below with NO TYPING: (1) Highlight the entire link. (2) Right-click the highlighted link. (3) Left-click on the "Go to..." option. =========================================================================== LAST UPDATE: 20240501 20240319 20240311 20240117 20240115 20240111 20240110 20231115 20230823 20230726 20230719 20230714 20230707 20230627 Incept Date: December 2013 ================================================================================ NEW ARTICLES ARE CONTINUALLY BEING ADDED TO THE VARIOUS SECTIONS. READ NEWEST-DATED FIRST and then the older ones As Time Allows. USE YOUR WEB BROWSER TO SEARCH FOR THESE TOPIC HEADERS FURTHER BELOW: RECENT ARTICLES INFLATION PHYSICAL GOLD 2023 AHEAD 2022 AHEAD DISCLAIMER DISCLOSURE RED ALERTS https://www.dansher.com/USD_fyi/_RED_ALERTS.txt CONFISCATION SELLING GOLD GOLD STORAGE ELECTION FRAUD FINANCIAL RESOURCES YYYYMMDD [Date-Search e.g., 20211206] The problem with most "gold" articles is that they imply that it is the GOLD itself whose value is going up or down, when in reality it is the underlying value of the shape-shifting US Dollar [USD] that is changing. Rarely-mentioned are the hidden daily changes in the USD value, always a strong influence in gold's apparent daily price change. https://www.richdad.com/capitalist-manifesto ["WE WERE WARNED..."] For more info (live!) on the relationship of Gold price vs USD price, see this (from KITCO) which shows current USD price change as a component of current Gold price change: http://www.kitco.com/kitco-gold-index.html As the value of the USD increases, it takes fewer USD to buy one ounce of gold (media says "Gold went DOWN"). As the value of the USD declines, it takes more USD to buy one ounce of gold (media says "Gold went UP"). From: http://tinyurl.com/z3avu8v [dated 20160513] One of his most interesting data points is just how much purchasing power the dollar has lost since 1913, the year the Federal Reserve was created: $1,000,000 USD in physical gold in 1913 would now take $60,000,000 in fiat USD to acquire today. Gold has not only held its value but appreciated in real terms, regardless of its "price" as measured by the USD. GOLD CAN BE CAST MINED MELTED MOLDED STRUCK HAMMERED GOLD CAN BE REFINED... BUT: PHYSICAL GOLD IS A WORK OF GOD WHICH CAN >>NEVER<< BE: HACKED EMAILED CREATED PRINTED PRINTED PRINTED PRINTED PRINTED PRINTED PRINTED PRINTED PRINTED PRINTED TRACKED INFLATED CORRODED CORRUPTED BAILED-IN BAILED-OUT PROGRAMMED MANIPULATED COUNTERFEITED Owning Physical Gold will never make you "rich" - but If you have Physical Gold you will never be "poor." These American Gold Eagles are perhaps the last artifact of my "Old America." They are not only a store of value, but a store of Values: LIBERTY E PLURIBUS UNUM IN GOD WE TRUST https://www.dansher.com/MAGA/AGE_aExif_a.jpg https://www.dansher.com/MAGA/AGE_aExif_b.jpg NEVER TRADE PHYSICAL GOLD for mere $USD which is: Only a store of debt wrapped in an empty Promise. PHYSICAL METALLIC GOLD vs PHYSICAL METALIC SILVER: 20240105: FRI: DJIA:(+$25.77) S&P500:(+$8.56) Nasdaq:(+$13.77) VIX=13.35 FRI: DJIA=37466.11 GOLD=2045.30 SILVER=23.26 VIX=13.35 USD=1.0243 ADA=0.53 BTC=43917.87 ETH=2248.96 ASML=703.34 ENVX=12.19 HIVE= IRBT=37.52 PRNT=21.90 RUM=4.31 TRCTF=0.10 TSM=99.61 RECENT ARTICLES - NEWEST FIRST [Start Learning NOW And Work Down From The Top As Time Allows]: ============================================================================================= 20240429: The Secret Behind The Huge Costco Gold Sales! Rude Awakening! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ep5a8AjPjlE 20240423: Only Gold and These Rules Can Save You: Daniela Cambone & Market Sniper 20240407: If You Don't Own ANY Gold, You NEED To Watch This Now! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dgxa2Awx6W4 The Fed is Ruining Your Life But You Can Still Win the Inflation Game - Daniele Cambone 20240417: Gold Price at $24,000? “It’s Not Crazy Talk Daniele Cambone & The Aden Sisters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjTGOKX6CY0 20240415: Reset Happens Without Warning; Dystopian Future For Grandkids - Daniele Cambone & Clive Thompson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FesBT2X6sYc 20240319: Stealth Quantitative Easing And Gold https://seekingalpha.com/article/4679042-stealth-quantitative-easing-and-gold 20240309: Gold: The Story of Man's 6000 Year Obsession - EP 1 | History https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBElg_qXQk4 20240227: Why Banks Want the System to Crash, Dollar to Plummet and For You to be Desperate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNlS4xwiiTs 20240117: How Much Gold for YOUR SHTF (End of the World) Fund? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzOsmtqOSa4 Death of $USD: Share This With Everyone You Know! - Lynette Zang https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VK56Tx66rMU 20240115: Priced In Gold: Weekly Update 12 Jan 2024 http://pricedingold.com/2024/01/15/weekly-update-12-jan-2024-happy-new-year/ 20240111: Save Your Financial Future - Robert Kiyosaki, Andy Schectman, Dana Samuelson https://rumble.com/v468izc-save-your-financial-future-with-this-investment-robert-kiyosaki-andy-schect.html 20240109: Death of the Dollar Ushers in; Gold to Skyrocket in 2024 Says Gerald Celente https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wsPBBjvcu0 20231215: $1,000,000 in Gold and Silver! Which could you carry? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpHscVGLfNE 20231110: GOLD=$1938.70 SILVER=$22.26 (both @ Spot $USD per Troy Ounce) $10,000 USD = ~ 5 toz Gold vs ~ 449 toz (28 pounds) of Silver -- Which would you rather carry in an emergency? https://www.dansher.com/USD_fyi/Eq_Val_Stax_Au_Ag.jpg 20231114: Cash Beats Electronic Money, but Real Money Beats Cash https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2023/11/cash_beats_electronic_money_but_real_money_beats_cash.html 20230604: Death of the Dollar Starts Now: Gerald Celente on Surviving America’s $$ Crisis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ma8kCgbO-Xk 20230406: ChatGPT Says You Should Have THIS Much In Gold And Silver https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yl0uuwty19w 20230303: Will This [CBDC] Destroy Freedom & Privacy? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtPefg2m804 20230301: World Demand for physical gold is constantly increasing: https://www.dansher.com/USD_fyi/New_Gold_Demand_m.jpg 20230222: The Campaign Begins To STOP ALL Gold Mining Around The World 20230810: The MOST Important Reason To Own Gold! Revaluation Is Coming! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Kq1pZyhNH8 20230805: STOP: MILLIONS Are GivingTheir Biometric Identity To A Silver Orb https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLVJQpTBo3E 20230724: True Prices Measured In Gold 21 Jul 2023 http://pricedingold.com/2023/07/24/weekly-update-21-jul-2023/ "Since 1999, the dollar has fallen from about 123 mg of gold to less than 21 mg today" http://pricedingold.com/us-dollar/ 20230714: The Diminishing Dollar & The Rise Of Gold, Silver And CBDCs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28CCpJixXNY 20230713: How Gen-Z & Millennials Can Secure Their Future with Gold - Lynette Zang https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uv14sLij-dM 20230710: Why The Gold Standard Matters More Than Ever - Lynette Zang https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYabrfRHTQ0 20230704: The One Gold Chart Pattern That Matters - Lynette Zang https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30Tw96M5CyM 20230626: The UN Plans To Track YOUR Bank Account! 2 Ways To Protect Yourself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZXcOaqhVyI 20230505: How The Fed Will Usher In Its “Miracle” Banking System Under Guise of Protecting You https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-5gpSxGbqs 20220116: These Two One Ounce Rounds Do NOT Weigh The Same! Here's Why https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xu89KEuENg0 20221104: World Central Banks Are Now Paying The Price Of Quantitative Easing https://seekingalpha.com/article/4553048-world-central-banks-now-paying-price-of-quantitative-easing 20220930: Why You Should Listen To THIS Billionaire Investor About GOLD! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05CTbZVe3mc 20220914: 'Powell is seeking inflation'; Fed will pivot- Matthew Piepenburg (Pt .1/2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9-EdC_EtLs 20220916: Moscow Gold Standard could expose fair gold price, market manipulation - Piepenburg (Pt. 2/2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdT0BvPafws 20220926: Priced-In-Gold - Weekly Update 23 Sep 2022 by Sir Charles Vollum http://pricedingold.com/ 20220907: The Big Crash I Predicted Is Upon Us... But It’s Time to Get Rich: - Daniella Cambone interviews Robert Kiyosaki Robert warns that, "communism has entered America via our school system." He reveals that, "the dollar is toast, and gold is money ... if you can print it, I don't want it." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQoqRHULJ6g Executive Order CBDC: Who Stands To Profit The Most? - Lynette Zang https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLlmxy4GHc4&list=FLCOKG4qA_j73w39s2SijVSw&index=12 20220902: FRI: DJIA:(-$337.98) S&P500:(-$42.50) Nasdaq:(-$154.26) VIX=25.47 FRI: DJIA=31318.34 GOLD=1712.50 SILVER=18.05 VIX=25.47 USD=1.09534 BTC=19800.00 ETH=1552.15 ADA=0.48 HIVE=4.79 20220614: If A Recession Is Imminent, Consider Gold And Bitcoin https://seekingalpha.com/article/4518367-if-recession-imminent-consider-gold-and-bitcoin 20220601: U.S. Mint sells 147k ounces of gold last month https://www.kitco.com/news/2022-06-01/U-S-Mint-sells-147k-ounces-of-gold-last-month-a-sign-of-growing-investor-anxiety.html 20220525: Lawrence Lepard: 'It's a Doom Loop' With Raging Inflation, Only Way Out Is Enormous Depression https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IfN9rvGX7Y 20220523: Gold Not Part of Wall Street's Playbook and That's a Good Thing, Says Mark Yaxley https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ya5y6IyHBRs 20220521: The Hidden Dangers of Dollar Loans - Arbitrary Settlement https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qP6vHHcYF9Y 20220520: FRI: DJIA:(+$8.77) S&P500:(+$0.57) Nasdaq:(-$33.88) VIX=29.43 DJIA=31261.90 GOLD=1846.70 SILVER=21.78 VIX=29.43 USD=1.0315 BTC=28970.49 ETH=1941.56 ADA=0.52 HIVE=0.89 20220506: Recession Unstoppable Now And Situation Is Beyond the Fed, Warns Peter Grandich https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAhHWPuYylI 20220427: Buy Physical Assets, Best Hedge Against Soaring 8.5% Inflation "Inflation is a[n invisible] tax that can significantly impact the poor, middle class, retirees, and those planning for retirement." https://seekingalpha.com/article/4503620-buy-physical-assets-best-hedge-against-soaring-8-5-percent-inflation 20220423: SAT: DJIA:(-$981.36) S&P500:(-$121.88) Nasdaq:(-$335.36) MSFT=274.03 DJIA=33811.40 GOLD=1932.30 SILVER=24.13 VIX=28.21 USD=1.0122 BTC=39671.28 ETH=2958.39 ADA=0.90 HIVE=1.61 20220413: Gold is the Ultimate Currency, It Can’t Be Duplicated https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ob9jLoMjyec 20220412: INFLATION CRUSH! HOLD Gold & Silver! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6YRTOZ6_nQ 20220411: US Dollar Index Is A Mirage "All fiat currencies are losing value, which is not readily evident by looking at the dollar index, making the US Dollar the healthiest horse in the glue factory." https://seekingalpha.com/article/4500624-dollar-index-is-a-mirage 20220405: WAR HAS ESCALATED: Russia, Ukraine & Gold - Lynette Zang https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBgV63kOxoo 20220401: The 100 [Ounces of Physical Gold] Club Revisited https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GC7xWLqmZv0 Nothing beats gold as real [i.e., not fiat] money https://www.kitco.com/news/2022-04-01/Nothing-beats-gold-as-real-money.html FRIDAY: DJIA:+$139.92) S&P500:(+$15.45) Nasdaq:(+$40.98) DJIA=34818.27 GOLD=1925.60 SILVER=24.61 VIX=19.63 USD=0.98632 BTC=46210.23 ETH=3449.18 ADA=1.16 HIVE=2.11 20220321: Gold and Silver Sales Surge: What Are the Top Coins and Bars to Buy and to Avoid? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWVZM6iOQQw 20220316: Where is the Gold Price Heading | Frank Holmes usfunds.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0Nfo-2lqRg 20220315: SHOCKING! You'll Never Guess What Company Is Investing In Gold & Silver! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHwvWMfyKDA 20220314: Every Dollar Will Be Tracked; Why the Fed Doesn’t Want You Owning Gold | Stansberry Research https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jzr82GhC5xo 20220225: Palantir's Gold Bullion Bet And War With Russia https://seekingalpha.com/article/4490506-palantirs-gold-bullion-bet-and-war-with-russia 20220220: What JUST Happened Is THE Most Compelling Motivation To Hold Gold & Silver https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HLhebt7_5w 20220107: IS The FBI Hiding 1.2 Tons Of Gold Bars? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsHsa5kFYpA 20220102: The Price You Pay To Hold Physical Silver & Gold https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwFarpL3EYM 20211223: How Valuable is Above Ground Gold Relative to Global Stocks? >> A quick, sobering comparason between the worldwide Supply of Gold vs Stocks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvgJdlFlnmI 20211216: FOMC Fallout: Gold Emerging As Explosive Winner From FED Fumble https://seekingalpha.com/article/4475619-fomc-fallout-gold-emerging-as-explosive-winner 20211215: Gold to Outperform Bitcoin, Stock Market in 2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1sZxcWSgAs 20211209: Entering a new rotation of the 100-year cycle of money https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXp5X5-20FM 20211203: Gold is the Ultimate Inflation Hedge, Says Ted Oakley | Stansberry Research https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiW7krVLxYo 20211201: Now might be a good time to buy physical platinum – while nobody cares about it >> Platinum is critical in producing Hydrogen from water, yet is likely >> to suffer falling demand as EV sales increase (no catalytic converters). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivVWBvDVWL4 20211130: Bitcoin, Stablecoins And Gold: The Who's Who Of Money https://seekingalpha.com/article/4472528-bitcoin-stablecoins-gold-whos-who-of-money 20211128: This is 'horrible for the world economy' but also good for gold price - Todd Horwitz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KZxjNy1FMY 20211126: FRI CLOSE: DJIA:(-$905.04) S&P500:(-$106.84) Nasdaq:(-$353.57) DJIA=34899.34 GOLD=1786.70 SILVER=23.08 VIX=28.62 USD=0.96089 BTC=54048.68 ETH=4080.74 ADA=1.56 HIVE=3.71 20211119: The most important price in the world is rising – investors beware https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5H0j56KypGc Gold Can Do Things That Bitcoin Cannot, I’m Still a Fan: Ethereum Co-Founder Exclusive https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0qcon4jW2c 20211029: Melting gold and ingots: The process itself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hU_qxHoiFqQ 20211028: Using Gold & Silver During Hyperinflation & Reset - Lynette ZANG https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3kmPAcAiyc 20211027: Aggressively hold gold & real estate as Fed's QE is a 'failed experiment,' says Danielle DiMartino Booth https://www.kitco.com/news/2021-10-27/-Aggressively-hold-gold-real-estate-as-Fed-s-QE-is-a-failed-experiment-says-Danielle-DiMartino-Booth.html Gold Is More Than Dead, Matt McCall Doubles Down Says Crypto Will Be Reserve Currency https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oc0XLijVlR4 20211026: BACK TO GOLD STANDARD: John Butler & Lynette Zang https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PkzUY-JvJE Elon Musk Slams DEMs Over Extreme Proposal To Tax Unrealized Capital Gains https://www.dailywire.com/news/elon-musk-slams-democrats-over-extreme-proposal-to-tax-unrealized-capital-gains 20211021: Inflation Is Eating Your Lunch If You're Doing This One Common Thing https://www.usfunds.com/investor-library/frank-talk-a-ceo-blog-by-frank-holmes/inflation-is-eating-your-lunch-if-youre-doing-this-one-common-thing/#.YXLfjhxlDyc 20211019: Gold Price Will Do Well, But $5,000 Target Is a Long Shot - Ian Telfer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKGfS6aokUI It's Mostly a Demand Shock, Not a Supply Shock, and It’s Everywhere https://www.bridgewater.com/its-mostly-a-demand-shock-not-a-supply-shock-and-its-everywhere 20211018: 10 Reasons to Invest in Gold https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gW0t-J0XY3c 20211015: What Is Shadow Inflation? It Could Be More Prevalent Than You Realize "Ever felt like you’re being gypped on potato chips in the bag you just bought? Or that your hotel room isn’t cleaned as well or as frequently as you once remembered? It could just be poor customer service; Or is it Shadow Inflation." https://www.usfunds.com/investor-library/investor-alert/what-is-shadow-inflation-it-could-be-more-prevalent-than-you-realize/ ALERT! NEW Information On American Eagle Secret Security Features https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQTDsEDgaJs 20211001: Gold Is Now the Second Most Liquid Asset on Earth https://www.usfunds.com/investor-library/investor-alert/gold-is-now-the-second-most-liquid-asset-on-earth/ 20210927: It's Torture to Be in Gold Right Now, But I Like It | Peter Boockvar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9-rwEdhNBs 20210924: Gold Passed the Evergrande "Stress Test" "Gold and Bitcoin Looking More Attractive as [Chinese Evergrande] Contagion Fears Mount" https://www.usfunds.com/investor-library/investor-alert/gold-passed-the-evergrande-stress-test/ FRI CLOSE: DJIA:(+$33.18) S&P500:(+$6.50) Nasdaq:(-$4.55) DJIA=34798.00 GOLD=1750.20 SILVER=22.39 VIX=17.75 USD=0.93277 BTC=43009.94 ETH=2964.38 ADA=2.31 HIVE=2.85 20210923: FED TAPER & STAGFLATION...HEADLINE NEWS with LYNETTE ZANG https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4F4Y_rrRoJc 20210922: Free Website [Evidence Based Wealth] Launched! Come Join Me! [Very Wise Man] https://evidencebasedwealth.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81S770eJu2o 20210920: PALL: Nasty [Downward] Action In Palladium [How much of this may be due to falling I.C.E. car sales vs increasing EV sales?] https://seekingalpha.com/article/4456139-pall-nasty-action-in-palladium 20210917: Fossil Fuels Are Under Siege. Is Misinformation to Blame? - Frank Holmes of HIVE: "In nearly every other profession - from physician to engineer to money manager - there are mechanisms in place to hold bad actors accountable. Why is that not the case with scientists, who may make promissory or misleading statements that materially impact individuals and businesses?" https://www.usfunds.com/investor-library/investor-alert/fossil-fuels-are-under-siege-is-misinformation-to-blame/ The Coming Uranium Squeeze, Prices Can Easily Double | Amir Adnani https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s71sIqbzOQw $10,000 gold, dollar devaluation: This is the ‘course of the empire’ – Dan Oliver https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTjkdCTw_Rc&list=FLCOKG4qA_j73w39s2SijVSw&index=3 20210917: FRI CLOSE: DJIA:(-$166.44) S&P500:(-$40.76) Nasdaq:(-$137.96) DJIA=34584.88 GOLD=1753.80 SILVER=22.36 VIX=20.81 USD=0.9323 BTC=47323.65 ETH=3412.18 ADA=2.36 HIVE=2.80 20210916: Keiser Report | The Coming Great Deflation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOFShz_52O8 20210915: This is how Bitcoin beat gold in attracting investors - Frank Holmes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xP5tL1oAwAw Tax Hikes, Not a Waning Economy Will Kill the Bull Market | "Bubba" Horwitz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xaIJ9p3eoI 20210912: Is gold dead? Bitcoin price to hit levels we 'cannot imagine'- Ronald-Peter Stoeferle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIHJgncRbbM 20210910: FRI CLOSE: DJIA:(-$271.66) S&P500:(-$34.70) Nasdaq:(-$132.76) FRI: DJIA=34607.72 GOLD=1786.80 SILVER=23.68 VIX=20.95 USD=0.92582 BTC=45037.90 ETH=3241.63 CARDANO_ADA=2.42 20210830: This is what held gold back and why it’s so ‘cheap’ now – Tavi Costa (Pt. 1/2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAo0RVuIp1c 20210816: Palantir Invests in More SPAC Companies, and Buys $51 Million in Gold Bars -- Barrons.com https://eresearch.fidelity.com/eresearch/evaluate/news/basicNewsStory.jhtml?symbols=PLTR&storyid=202108161745DOWJONESREALTIME009277&provider=DOWJONES&product=REALTIME 20210813: FRI CLOSE: DJIA:(+$15.53) S&P500:(+$7.17) Nasdaq:(+$6.64) DJIA=35515.38 GOLD=1779.70 SILVER=23.73 VIX=15.45 USD=0.92518 BTC=46453.81 ETH=3221.09 ADA=1.99 20210812: Jim Rickards: Gold Standard vs. Fiat Money, 50 Years Later— Are We Better Off? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWTr3Bix1lY 20210805: Ray Dalio opts for gold versus bitcoin: 'If you put a gun to my head and said I can only have one, I would choose gold' https://www.kitco.com/news/2021-08-05/Ray-Dalio-opts-for-gold-versus-bitcoin-If-you-put-a-gun-to-my-head-and-said-I-can-only-have-one-I-would-choose-gold.html 20210716: Record inflation levels are coming with no growth, 'the worst of all worlds' - Steve Hanke https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mJEZ3aaNNo 20210714: INFLATION & GLOBAL CORPORATE TAX...HEADLINE NEWS WITH LYNETTE ZANG https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0rEP9ErePE 20210707: Economic Catastrophe: The One Major Sign We Can't Ignore Warns George Gammon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyUF2XYpa9M [Part I] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dR4aVy62nJ0 [Part II] 20210626: Will Basel III Break the Back of the Gold Derivatives Market? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08pGXEc9JiQ 20210621: Top 10 Gold Producing Countries https://www.usfunds.com/investor-library/frank-talk-a-ceo-blog-by-frank-holmes/updated-top-10-gold-producing-countries/ 20210620: Fed Gold-Futures Purge "Gold-futures speculators look to the dollar’s fortunes as their primary trading cue. Throughout millennia of human history, gold has proven the ultimate global currency. It remains a direct competitor to the US dollar. So specs watch the dollar like hawks and often do the opposite with their gold-futures trading. When they rush in or purge out en masse, that really moves gold. These traders dominate its short-term price action." https://seekingalpha.com/article/4435708-fed-gold-futures-purge 20210611: 1:57 NY Time Spot Bid/Ask 1879.50 / 1880.50 20210528: Future Fed Digital Dollar Will Strip Away Your Privacy. Gold Is the Only Way https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bON1bUF2To RESET, BAIL-INS & HYPERINFLATION...LYNETTE ZANG https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCSiMqvcic0 >>>>> My new wealth Preservation strategy (inspired by the two videos above): https://www.dansher.com/USD_fyi/XFER_20210528_fyi.txt 20210518: Gold Price to $10,000: "[Gold is] A Work of God, Bitcoin Still Corruptible" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=juLe-zFb3Bo 20210515: Why Gold Is [or may be] A Poor Inflation Hedge "Gold only works as an inflation hedge to the extent that investors believe that it is and act on that belief by buying it." https://seekingalpha.com/article/4426543-why-gold-is-a-poor-inflation-hedge 20210508: Choose Your Money Carefully https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y66iPQlDjoo 20210501: How To Play Gold and Bitcoin; Should You Diversify or Not? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoa-D_KNJTs&list=LL&index=6 20210422: Bitcoin vs Gold: The Great Debate with Michael Saylor and Frank Giustra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coHC_9ApBdg&list=LL&index=6 20210412: Gold: Fed Shutting Down Its Money Supply Data Is Alarming [Hyperinflation Is Inevitable?] https://seekingalpha.com/article/4418733-gold-feds-shutting-down-money-supply-data-is-alarming Jim Rickards: M2 Skyrocketing As Fed Stops Weekly Data Showing Money Supply https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=md6AL-OSQ6U IMF and Biden Skirt Congress to Push Global Currency https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zUcAJQFR5A&list=LL&index=5 20210409: FRI CLOSE: DJIA: (+$297.03) S&P500:(+$31.63) Nasdaq: (+$17.31) FRI: DJIA=33800.60 GOLD=1737.60 VIX=16.69 USD=0.92163 20210326: IMF Silently Creates New Money Layer, Why You Need to Leave the Banks: [MUST WATCH !!] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKvdPoRb_8k&list=LL&index=42 20210322: Lynette Zang: Why You Must Get Out of the System; The Fed's Master Plan [**MUST VIEW**] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-sXbsQoh78&list=LL&index=9 20210220: The Future Of Money Is Gold https://seekingalpha.com/article/4407674-future-money-gold 20210219: The 'Real' Reason Gold Is Getting Hammered Lower: https://seekingalpha.com/article/4407381-real-reason-gold-is-getting-hammered-lowered What is the 'Great Reset,' and how do you invest? | Dominic Frisby: [** MUST WATCH **] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObgkqwuQdLM FRI CLOSE: DJIA: (+$0.98) S&P500:(-$7.26) Nasdaq: (+$9.11) DJIA=31494.32 GOLD=1784.60 VIX=22.05 USD=0.9034 20210213: The Punishing Impact of the Inflation Tax [** MUST WATCH **] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08vhW5FfeuY The Mythical 28 Percent Collectibles Tax [** MUST WATCH **] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmuh1fvHIYg 20210212: FRI CLOSE: DJIA: (+$27.70) S&P500:(+$18.45) Nasdaq: (+$60.70) DJIA=31458.40 GOLD=1809.90 VIX=19.97 USD=0.9048 20210125: The Gold Standard Ended 50 Years Ago. Federal Debt Has Only Exploded Since "In August 1971, President Richard Nixon formally unpegged the U.S. dollar from gold, making the US Dollar no longer convertible into bullion. Overnight, the USD became a fiat currency, measurable only by comparing it to other world currencies." https://www.usfunds.com/investor-library/frank-talk/the-gold-standard-ended-50-years-ago 20210121: The Role Of Gold In Your Portfolio "If the price of gold rises from $2,000 per ounce to $20,000 per ounce, linking 10% of your net wealth to the price of gold would result in 100% protection from US Dollar devaluation which rising Gold demonstrates." https://seekingalpha.com/article/4400194-role-of-gold-in-your-portfolio 20210115: FRI CLOSE: DJIA: (-$177.26) S&P500:(-$27.29) Nasdaq: (-$114.14) DJIA=30814.26 GOLD=1828.60 VIX=24.34 USD=0.90772 20210114: Keiser Report | Runaway Inflation? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GshKPrnNckM 20210108: FRI CLOSE: DJIA: (+$56.84) S&P500:(+$20.89) Nasdaq: (+$134.50) DJIA=31097.97 GOLD=1850.00 VIX=21.56 USD=0.90066 20210106: Gold Is Undervalued: A Look At Money Supply, The U.S. Dollar, And Gold Prices "Rapid money supply growth due to large US fiscal deficits has created a rapidly weakening US Dollar. US gold production has fallen to 1988 levels; Australian gold production will likely peak by 2021 and global production has likely already peaked. Based on historical ratios, and strong fundamentals, gold should be priced closer to $2,400 - 3,000 per ounce." https://seekingalpha.com/article/4397470-gold-is-undervalued-look-money-supply-u-s-dollar-and-gold-prices The Road to $10,000 Gold, When and How? | Nick Barisheff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnSk-MeqYzE 20201231:2020: Gold's Best Year in a Decade; Ethereum Beat Bitcoin; Inflation Higher Than Reported http://www.usfunds.com/investor-library/investor-alert/2020-golds-best-year-in-a-decade-ethereum-beat-bitcoin-inflation-higher-than-reported/ THU CLOSE: DJIA: (+$196.92) S&P500:(+$24.03) Nasdaq: (+$18.28) DJIA=30606.48 GOLD=1898.00 VIX=22.75 USD=0.89919 20201201: Gold: The Pandemic Just Uncovered A Broken System "Highly volatile markets are great for traders. Without volatility, you can’t make money. Gold is one such market with such volatility. As gold is now in a correction mode, there's an opportunity to add to your long-term gold position and balance your portfolio away from the fiat currency that is the US dollar." https://seekingalpha.com/article/4392419-gold-pandemic-just-uncovered-broken-system Gold: The Correction Is Finally Over https://seekingalpha.com/article/4392340-gold-correction-is-finally-over 20201127: FRI CLOSE: DJIA: (+$37.90) S&P500:(+$8.70) Nasdaq: (+$111.34) DJIA=29910.37 GOLD=1787.70 VIX=20.84 USD=0.9179 20201121: Gold: The Highway To Inflation Is Open https://seekingalpha.com/article/4390806-gold-highway-to-inflation-is-open 20201120: FRI CLOSE: DJIA: (-$219.75) S&P500:(-$24.33) Nasdaq: (-$49.74) DJIA=29263.48 GOLD=1870.90 VIX=23.70 USD=0.92364 20201117: 3 Types Of Inflation, And How They Impact Your Wealth https://seekingalpha.com/article/4389305-3-types-of-inflation-and-how-impact-your-portfolio 20201113: FRI CLOSE: DJIA: (+$399.64) S&P500:(+$48.14) Nasdaq: (+$119.70) DJIA=29479.81 GOLD=1889.20 VIX=23.10 USD=0.92716 20201030: If Inflation Is the Trick, Gold Is the Treat http://www.usfunds.com/investor-library/investor-alert/if-inflation-is-the-trick-gold-is-the-treat/ 20201025: "Recent money market fund closures are signs of trouble in the liquid funds. Consider moving to gold to ride out the turbulence." https://seekingalpha.com/article/4381227-money-market-fund-closures-signal-trouble 20201023: FRI CLOSE: DJIA: (-$28.09) S&P500: (+$11.90) Nasdaq: (+$42.28) DJIA=28335.57 GOLD=1901.30 VIX=27.55 USD=0.92746 20201016: Hyperinflation Is Here "Definition: Hyperinflation is the condition whereby monetary authorities accelerate the expansion of the quantity of money to the point where it proves impossible for them to regain control. It ends when the state's fiat currency [e.g., USD] is finally worthless. It is an evolving crisis, not just a climactic event." https://seekingalpha.com/article/4379397-hyperinflation-is 20201004: Gold: Prepare For A Flock Of Black Swans "Factors are building to major bullish cases for gold and silver. We recommend focusing on the gold market, as a trading vehicle and as an alternative way to convert dollars, which are at risk right now of inflation and devaluation, into a long-term valuable asset. If we have to open the printing presses up to $20 trillion in stimulus, it will put gold at $5,000 an ounce. Be careful what you wish for, because if gold is at $5,000, then the US dollar and other fiat currencies will be next to worthless." https://seekingalpha.com/article/4377484-gold-prepare-for-flock-of-black-swans 20201002: FRI CLOSE: DJIA: (-$134.09) S&P500: (-32.36) Nasdaq: (-$251.49) Donald & Melania Trump test "Positive" for COVID-19 MyToz: 53.1047 FRI: DJIA=27682.81 GOLD=1898.80 VIX=27.63 USD=0.93810 F_ALL=358897.36 20200915: Ten reasons you need to add more gold now https://www.kitco.com/commentaries/2020-09-15/Ten-reasons-you-need-to-add-more-gold-now.html 20200911: FRI CLOSE: DJIA: (+$131.06) S&P500: (+$1.78) Nasdaq: (-$66.05) DJIA=27665.64 GOLD=1940.10 VIX=26.87 USD=0.93333 20200825: Top 10 Countries with Largest Gold Reserves http://www.usfunds.com/investor-library/frank-talk/top-10-countries-with-largest-gold-reserves/ 20200815: Gold: Prepare For Unprecedented Volatility https://seekingalpha.com/article/4368755-gold-prepare-for-unprecedented-volatility The Dollar Index Stalls After A Technical Breakdown "The US dollar is the world’s reserve currency, making it the benchmark pricing tool for most commodities. A rising dollar tends to weigh on commodity prices, and a falling greenback is often a bullish factor for the raw materials asset class. Since March, we have seen a significant move in the value of the dollar index that trades on the Intercontinental Exchange. From the March high to the August low, the index fell by over 11%, a significant move for a currency in only five months. The US government continues to appear to be unable to respond effectively to this crisis. Printing trillions of dollars is devaluing the dollar [DRM: True!], which also devalues assets priced in dollars, such as stocks [DRM: NO!! "easy money" brings new $$ into the stock market which increases stock prices in USD], while real assets, such as gold, increase in value [DRM: in USD]. Gold is transforming into a currency as this economic crisis unfolds, which is exasperated daily by the pandemic." https://seekingalpha.com/article/4368877-dollar-index-stalls-after-technical-breakdown 20200814: FRI CLOSE: DJIA: (+$34.30) S&P500: (-$0.58) Nasdaq: (-$23.20) DJIA=27931.02 GOLD=1944.80 VIX=22.05 USD=0.93096 20200726: Gold price makes history, hits all-time high and analysts still looking for more "The gold market made its historic move Sunday evening during the Asian trading session. First spot gold hit its all-time high above $1,920 and then August futures quickly followed suit. August gold last traded at $1,922.70 an ounce." https://www.kitco.com/news/2020-07-26/Gold-price-makes-history-hits-all-time-high-and-analysts-still-looking-for-more.html 20200724: FRI CLOSE: DJIA: (-$182.44) S&P500: (-$20.03) Nasdaq: (-98.24) DJIA=26469.89 GOLD=1901.30 VIX=25.84 USD=0.94435 20190828: Gold Is The New Fixed Income "Cash is king – Gold is the best cash. Not everybody thinks of gold as currency, but it is arguably the best one out there. Take most major world currencies from the US dollar to the Swiss franc since 1971 and compare to gold--and you will see that they lost most all their value." https://seekingalpha.com/article/4288446-gold-new-fixed-income 20190823: FRIDAY CLOSE: DJIA [$INDU]: (-$623.34) S&P500 [SPX]: (-$75.84) Nasdaq: (-$239.62) DJIA=25628.90 GOLD=1526.60 VIX=19.87 USD=0.9764 20190805: MONDAY CLOSE: DJIA [$INDU]: (-737.27) S&P500 [SPX]: (-87.31) Nasdaq: (-278.03) DJIA=25717.74 GOLD=1476.50 VIX=24.59 USD=0.97462 20190712: "Gold-Backed ETF Gold Holdings, such as SPDR Gold Shares (GLD), Charted Their Biggest Increase In 7 Years. They added 51 tons of gold, the largest one-day inflows of all time, on June 21. There are good reasons to invest in ETFs, but they aren't a substitute for owning physical gold. As an investment strategy, SchiffGold recommends buying gold bullion first." https://seekingalpha.com/article/4274651-gold-backed-etf-gold-holdings-chart-biggest-increase-7-years 20190703: $133.63=GLD, DJIA=26966.00 GOLD=1417.90 VIX=12.57 USD=0.96785 @ Market Close on Weds 20190605: 1328.70 Thursday Close Gold Will Save Us All: https://seekingalpha.com/article/4268429-gold-will-save-us 20190531: Will Trump Be a One-Term President Because of Mexican Tariffs? http://www.usfunds.com/investor-library/investor-alert/will-trump-be-a-one-term-president-because-of-mexican-tariffs/ 20190524: Russians Are Buying Gold To Prepare For The Impending Dollar Crisis https://seekingalpha.com/article/4266342-peter-schiff-russians-buying-gold-prepare-impending-dollar-crisis 20190523: THU: DJIA=25490.47 GOLD=1282.70 VIX=16.92 USD=0.97.860 20190521: $1285.70 Gold Bullion mid Thursday morning How to Unrig the Gold Market [Also a HUGE amount of good info on gold ] "...every few weeks Somebody will dump a billion dollars or more of gold futures contracts in New York. That can be achieved only by someone with infinite resources and money, who also has a powerful interest in suppressing the price of gold. Nobody interested in making good money would dump that much gold all at once. He would sell it gradually over a period of time. I think these flash crashes are irrefutable evidence of price suppression." http://www.usfunds.com/investor-library/frank-talk/how-to-unrig-the-gold-market-according-to-gatas-chris-powell/ 20190517: Yes, Gold IS Being Manipulated Too. [A HUGE amount of info on gold bitcoin bonds etc] https://tinyurl.com/y2z87ofv http://www.usfunds.com/investor-library/investor-alert/yes-gold-is-being-manipulated-but-to-what-extent/ 20180516: (DJIA +214.66) THU: DJIA=25862.68 GOLD=1284.70 VIX=15.29 USD=0.97829 https://seekingalpha.com/article/4261934-gold-calm-storm?li_source=LI&li_medium=liftigniter-widget 20190418: DJIA=26559.54 GOLD=1275.50 VIX=12.09 USD=0.97344 20180721: Gold Bugs (And Dollar Bears) Living In The Twilight Zone: https://tinyurl.com/y7v9fyz2 "Can the Dollar and Gold Rise Together? The USD will continue to rise; essentially the U.S. will become the straw that sucks up the liquidity that the other central banks are injecting into the monetary system.' 20180720: $1231.50 Kitco Gold Bid Price (Happy 78th Birthday to me) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7eXHJMTBKA The US Dollar is being continually devalued by the politically driven Federal Reserve System (neither "federal" nor with any "reserve"). The Fed must electronically "print" ever more US Dollars to fund the Annual (and ever-growing) Federal Deficit (AFD) and to pay the Annual Interest (AI) on the National Debt (NDOld & NDNew). Or, as a math formula, NDN = (AFD + (NDO + AI)) In addition, the current ("Spot") price of gold can be easily manipulated by Central Banks because they hold Future Contracts on tens (hundreds?) of thousands of ounces of "paper gold" for every one ounce of the real, physical, elemental, metal known as gold. By buying and selling (sometimes called "dumping"), the short term price of Spot Gold can be made to rise or fall. Only physical gold is a Work of God. All the rest is of Man. A good real-life example of Troy weight compared to Avoirdupois, and metric measurements to inches, is to be found at this Kitco link where they offer: "1 Kilo Gold Bar - Engelhard (Vintage)." Here's the URL: https://online.kitco.com/buy/20141E/1-kilo-Gold-Bar-999-Engelhard-20141E Price = $60,606.86 USD (as of 20211029) Weight = 1 kilogram = 32.15 Troy Ounces = 35.27 Avoirdupois Ounces Length = 114 millimeters (mm) = 4.49 inches Width = 54 mm = 2.16 inches Thickness = 10 mm = 0.39 inches The above conversions were made with the help of an excellent FREE program I have used hundreds of time over the last 15 years. It runs on all operating systems, is nag-free with no ads and sells nothing. I highly recommend it: https://joshmadison.com/convert-for-windows/ ================================================================================ PREPARE YOUR MIND by watching the two links below for 30 seconds, EACH, every day! https://www.usdebtclock.org/ https://www.usdebtclock.org/gold-precious-metals.html OPTIMIZE YOUR FUTURE by watching, for 30 minutes a day, what is presented in the links below. ======================================================================================= 2023 AHEAD 20230611: The SHOCKING Correlation Between Gold Price And The National Debt! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snkLTWpVrak 20230610: Con Game is Over: Financial System Reaching Its End: Lynette Zang & Danielle Cambone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDnIIP2ItG8 20230609: Priced In Gold Weekly Update http://pricedingold.com/2023/06/12/weekly-update-9-jun-2023/ 20230419: CBDCs Vs Precious Metals! The WAR For Sound Money Has Begun! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYq-IFf6HQg 20230331: Another BRIC in gold's wall https://www.kitco.com/news/2023-03-31/Another-BRIC-in-gold-s-wall.html 20230314: Bank Runs - The First Sign The Fed 'Broke Something.' https://seekingalpha.com/article/4587273-bank-runs-first-sign-fed-broke-something 20230311: The Arithmetic Of Deficits, Debt, Interest Rates And Inflation "[The 0'Biden-touted] ...$1 trillion reduction in the deficit does not reduce the [national] debt. The Congressional Budget Office projects the US debt to grow from $31 trillion today to $50 trillion in 10 years." https://tinyurl.com/ffk8m55n https://seekingalpha.com/article/4586712-arithmetic-of-deficits-debt-interest-rates-inflation-add-bidens-6-9-trillion-budget 20230310:FRI: DJIA:(-$345.22) S&P500:(-$56.73) Nasdaq:(-$199.47) VIX=24.80 FRI: DJIA=31906.64 GOLD=1867.90 SILVER=20.52 VIX=24.80 USD=1.04576 IRBT=43.93 BTC=20255.64 ETH=1441.56 ADA=0.31 HIVE=2.35 PRNT=21.87 ASML=601.21 TSM=87.25 RUM=8.88 20230310: Biggest bank failure since 2008 drives gold sentiment higher, could hit $1,900 https://www.kitco.com/news/2023-03-10/Biggest-bank-failure-since-2008-drives-gold-sentiment-higher-could-hit-1-900-next-week.html 20230303: Will This [CBDC] Destroy Freedom & Privacy? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtPefg2m804 20230117: Once Thinking Gold Was Left for Dead, Trader Now Sees It Hitting $3,000 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2-a6VQQ_gg 20230116: If THESE Two Things Happen Gold Could Soar Above $3000! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d--5JTE78iQ 20230113: TRUE PRICES MEASURED IN GOLD '...governments are destroying the purchasing power of money, making food prices appear to rise, and making it hard for families to gather enough rapidly depreciating money to buy the food they need." http://pricedingold.com/2023/01/16/weekly-update-13-jan-2023/ http://pricedingold.com/big-mac-prices/ 20230111: The End of Libor: Are You Prepared for the Coming Storm? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8fnAHAkWI0 20230108: Gold price powers to 7-mo. high on bullish outside markets https://www.kitco.com/news/2023-01-09/Gold-price-powers-to-7-mo-high-on-bullish-outside-markets.html Gold price climbs closer to $1,900 as China says it bought 30 tonnes in December "This follows November's purchase of 32 tonnes of gold, the first officially recorded purchase since September 2019." https://www.kitco.com/news/2023-01-09/Gold-price-climbs-closer-to-1-900-as-China-says-it-bought-30-tonnes-in-December.html ======================================================================================= 2022 AHEAD 20220609: My 10 Year Outlook By "belangp" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQExk0xl4_E 20220504: Bitcoin Vs. Gold: One Year Later, Which Is King? Jim Rickards and Max Keiser Reflect https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dMJyUQwAdM 20210422: Bitcoin vs Gold: The Great Debate with Michael Saylor and Frank Giustra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coHC_9ApBdg 20220426: THE RISE OF GLOBAL INFLATION: BIS Report April 2022...HEADLINE NEWS with Lynette Zang https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQTbial5uQo 20220325: A Global Liquidity Crisis with Massive Food Shortages Is Coming Warns Jim Rickards https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZwjMAs4WbQ 20220203: Gold, Silver and Bitcoin Are All I Want Before Economic Collapse - Gerald Celente https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zf5l6GbARvI 20220107: This ONE Thing Might Signal the End - Robert Kiyosaki & Gerald Celente https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdA_bOcDOiQ FedCoin is Coming, Say Goodbye to Your Privacy in 2022 Warns E.B. Tucker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhv2Z2z9JoU Bruce Frisby’s Forecasts – what does 2022 have in store for investors? 01: NASDAQ > $19000 02: OIL >= $100 per barrel 03: USD gains [some] strength 04: GOLD > $2000 05: S&P500 > $5000 06: CRYPTO BTC 07: BTC will be legal tender in at least two more countries 08: Copper > $5 per pound 09: UK Real Estate keeps going up 10: British Pound rises against the Euro 11: Silver disappoints [again] <= $30 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXlPU2HrzoM 20220106: Stock markets to crash 90% in 2022 = best buying opportunity in lifetime - Harry Dent https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtXIz8Xeg-Q 20220105: Fed’s Credibility is Destroyed, Why Cash, Gold and Silver Will Be Best Lifeline https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMZDdT0Z9pY 20220104: Financial Crisis Is Already Here, Don’t Let Market Exuberance Fool You - Lynette Zang https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-tnozmGa54 20211225: Gold’s Crowning CHRISTMAS Achievement https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ut-KNRIGc5U 20211224: 2022 Outlook Q&A: Crypto, Inflation And Energy Transition https://seekingalpha.com/article/4476690-2022-outlook-q-and-a-crypto-inflation-and-energy-transition 20211223: U.S. Retail Q4 2021 Holiday Sales And 2022 Outlook https://seekingalpha.com/article/4476650-us-retail-q4-2021-holiday-sales-and-2022-outlook 2022 Market Outlook For Dividend Investors https://seekingalpha.com/article/4476589-2022-market-outlook-for-dividend-investors My Top 10 Stock Picks For 2022 https://seekingalpha.com/article/4476579-my-top-10-stock-picks-2022 20211222: Can gold price rally 15% in 2022? Here are the triggers to watch https://www.kitco.com/news/2021-12-22/Can-gold-price-rally-15-in-2022-Here-are-the-triggers-to-watch.html ======================================================================================= UNDERSTANDING GOLD [you MUST watch this. USD does not (NOT!!) define the value of physical gold] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ADtwpTbGF0 GOLD STORAGE 20220624: GOLD: Location, Location, Location https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YX4L7o__8A 20220212: ALL The Gold Ever Mined On Earth - How Big IS It? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9lcykt_AFU 20220127: Gold & Silver: Storage & Safe Travel Tips: Daniela Cambone & Mark Yaxley @ Stansberry Research https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geImU_n7bvM 20200720: Bulk Comparison of Gold vs Silver https://www.dansher.com/USD_fyi/Eq_Val_Stax_Au_Ag.jpg =================================================================================================== "DEMAND DESTRUCTION" - How can The Fed (in covert collusion with The Guv and The Banks) slow down demand to Limit Inflation without raising Interest Rates ("tapering" "Quantitative Easing")??? ANSWER: By Taking or Limiting access to Personal Funds. Let Me count the ways that can be done, probably without warning, even OVERNIGHT: (1) Limit Electronic Funds Transfers (EFTs) to $500 in any week. Add 15% "Activity Fee" to any overage. (2) Limit Personal Checks Written to $300 in any week. Add 15% "Activity Fee" to any overage. (3) Limit Safety Deposit Box activity to twice a year. Add $100 "Access Fee" for each use. (4) Slam ALL Credit Card Maximum Account Limits down to $500 over their Current Balances. (5) Stop or throttle back allowable Food and Fuel purchased via Credit Card or CBDC. (6) Declare a "Cash Shortage" and limit all cash transactions to $50 maximum to (wait for it...) "Win The War On Drugs For The Children." =================================================================================================== Physical Gold has a very high value to bulk ratio and is fairly easy to conceal. Still, $10 million of gold in 2021 would weigh about 500 lbs. American Gold Eagle: 1 Troy Ounce and other fractions 22 Karat .999 Fine "Face Value" = 50 $USD https://online.kitco.com/buy/3000/1-oz-Gold-American-Eagle-Coin-9167-3000 https://sdbullion.com/gold/american-gold-eagle-coins American Gold Buffalo: 1 Troy ounce only. 24 Karat .9999 Fine "Face Value" = 50 $USD https://online.kitco.com/buy/2460/1-oz-Gold-American-Buffalo-Coin-9999-2460 https://sdbullion.com/gold/american-gold-buffalo-coins See Also: "OTHER ON-LINE FINANCIAL RESOURCES" AT BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE such as https://www.dansher.com/USD_fyi/XFER_20210528_fyi.txt https://www.dansher.com/USD_fyi/BITBlockCOINChain_fyi.txt ...and: Coins vs. Bars: An Insider’s Guide to Buying Gold and Silver https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zkc44OKw2io DEATH OF PAPER METALS MARKET? Will Basel 3 Be Implemented This Month? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5e7aIGnWWcU =========================================================================== Selling Gold Coins: https://online.kitco.com/sell/gold-silver-USD.html 20220211: Using the Ping Test to Verify the Authenticity of a Gold Eagle Coin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFGGCfu8XMQ DOW JONES (and other items) as priced in GOLD: http://pricedingold.com/dow-jones-industrials/ http://pricedingold.com/ "An active investor in gold and silver since 1980, Charles Vollum slowly began to realize the importance of having a standard of value not tied to any country's currency and monetary policy – that in fact, rising and falling 'gold prices' were really more accurately viewed as falling and rising 'currency prices', measured against the relative stability of gold." See Also: http://www.gata.org/ http://www.gata.org/node/12026 https://www.usfunds.com/slideshows/10-reasons-to-invest-in-gold/ https://seekingalpha.com/article/4382875-clean-energy-vs-oil-gas-biggest-lie-of-2020 https://foreignpolicy.com/2019/09/06/the-path-to-clean-energy-will-be-very-dirty-climate-change-renewables/ MERRY CHRISTMAS 2017 10 Charts That Show Why Gold Is Undervalued Right Now (US Global Investors) https://tinyurl.com/ydy2bog4 http://www.usfunds.com/investor-library/investor-alert/10-charts-that-show-why-gold-is-undervalued-right-now 20171013: In Q4 2017 all precious, and other "BEV" metals, are set for a surge, per US Global Investors: http://tinyurl.com/yd9nn9bn 2017 Gold Vs Inflation: http://tinyurl.com/jtzasla Inflationary Expectations in 2017 Keep the Polish on Gold: "As I see it, the Carrier deal is indicative of the sort of trade protectionism that could spur inflation to levels unseen in more than 30 years. The Indiana-based air conditioner manufacturer has already announced it will likely need to raise prices as much as 5 percent to offset what it would have saved by moving south of the border." "New Shariah-compliant rules approved on November 19 2016 for trading gold, now allow the precious metal to be accepted as an investment in Islamic finance. The Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) developed the standards with the help of the World Gold Council, which has said the new rules could spur demand for “hundreds of tons” of gold, reports Bloomberg." 11 AUGUST 2012: EXCELLENT REPORT ON GOLD AND THE [LACK OF] WORLD ECONOMY: http://tinyurl.com/9a9tmz8 Some say gold is more like a currency than a commodity: http://tinyurl.com/omomfa5 THE GOLD AMERICAN BUFFALO COINS: The gold American Buffalo was first minted in 2006. By law, all of the gold used in the production of the American Buffalo bullion coin must be from newly-mined sources within the United States. Each American Buffalo coin contains exactly one troy ounce (or 31.1035 grams) of pure (0.9999 fine) gold. Its diameter is 1.287 inches (or 32.70mm), with a thickness of 0.116 inches (or 2.95mm), making it approximately the same size as a U.S. half dollar coin. Source: http://tinyurl.com/zq8mwy8 US Global Investors: The last known gold reserve on Earth is being mined in 2016. http://tinyurl.com/h8r8j4w CONFISCATION THROUGH INFLATION: https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/ [e.g., $10 in 1999 cost $15 in 2019) “In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value.” - Alan Greenspan https://seekingalpha.com/article/4268429-gold-will-save-us?ifp=0 “In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value.” - Alan Greenspan https://seekingalpha.com/article/4268429-gold-will-save-us?ifp=0 January 24, 2017 -- Did you know? One of the top U.S. presidents for gold was George W. Bush, who saw a 250% increase in gold prices during his term of 2001 to 2009. Now, consider the parallels between the conditions that existed during his administration and those that the 0'Biden administration is now allowing: Shift in party power with new U.S. president Fragile global economy Geopolitical uncertainty Focus on higher taxes Rising unemployment Dishonest press corps Growing income disparity Crushing regulation of industry and environment “Saber rattling” with other major world powers Increased national debt Markets at record highs Housing bubble Gold increasingly seen as safe haven asset 20220925: CBDC Is The Most Dangerous "Money" That We've Ever Seen - Charles Hoskinson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V--DqdtcrHQ Banks are Planning "Power Blackouts" To Limit Access To Your Money https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhHSbMGw9pg ============================================================================= ============[ OTHER ON-LINE RESOURCES (frequently updated) ]================ RED ALERTS https://www.dansher.com/USD_fyi/_RED_ALERTS.txt ARTIFICIAL GENERAL INTELLIGENCE (AGI) https://www.dansher.com/USD_fyi/_AGI_fyi.txt 20220911: Become Financially Independent, Stress-Free In 15 Years [Ownership benefits of neither Gold or Crypto is mentioned in this artical] https://seekingalpha.com/article/4539468-become-financially-independent-stress-free-in-15-years UNDERSTAND WHAT "EBITDA" AND DOZENS OF OTHER INVESTMENT TERMS MEAN: https://www.dansher.com/USD_fyi/Acronyms.txt INTRODUCTION TO VIRTUAL [DIGITAL] "MONEY": https://www.dansher.com/USD_fyi/BITBlockCOINChain_fyi.txt WHERE I [DRM] GO TO BUY & SELL STOCKS & MUTUAL FUNDS AND WHY:: https://www.dansher.com/USD_fyi/Fidelity_Stock_fyi.txt PHYSICAL METALLIC GOLD vs PAPER US DOLLAR (Fiat Treasury Note) https://www.dansher.com/USD_fyi/DollahVsGold.txt LEARN ABOUT THE MOST PRECIOUS GOLD COIN IN THE USA: https://www.dansher.com/USD_fyi/Gold_Eagle_fyi.txt THE REASONS GOLD PRICES NEVER REALLY GO UP OR DOWN: https://www.dansher.com/USD_fyi/gold.txt WHERE I GO TO BUY PHYSICAL GOLD: https://www.dansher.com/USD_fyi/Kitco_Gold_fyi.txt WHY AN OUNCE OF GOLD WEIGHS MORE THAN AN OUNCE OF LEAD: https://www.dansher.com/USD_fyi/Troy_vs_Avoir.txt FYI ON VIX; A GOOD SHORT-TERM INDICATOR OF STOCK MARKET PRICES: https://www.dansher.com/USD_fyi/VIX_fyi.txt https://www.dansher.com/USD_fyi/VIX_fyi.jpg https://www.dansher.com/USD_fyi/VIX_fyi_20190117.pdf ELECTION FRAUD, CUTTING THE CABLE, AND NON-MAINSTREAM NEWS SOURCES https://www.dansher.com/MAGA/Q_Links_fyi.txt MAKE A JOYFUL NOISE https://www.dansher.com/audio/pdf_tunes.html ============================================================================= DISCLOSURE: I own stock in both COIN (Coinbase) and HIVE (Hive technologies, was HVBT). ^^^^^^^^^^ I own fractional portions of the digital coin brands Bitcoin, Ethereum, & Cardana ADA. I buy and sell them via Coinbase, my digital coin broker. I own stock in Tesla, Union Pacific, Caterpillar, ROKU, Generac, others. I own physical American-minted gold and silver coins. I DO NOT own Mutual Funds, Exchange Traded Funds, "paper" gold or silver. DISCLAIMER: ** Through the Grace of Almighty God and Trump administration policies, I have been able to make mostly good financial decisions that have mostly paid off well. I am NOT a licensed Financial Advisor and none of the writings above, nor anything linked within the dansher.com domain should be construed as such. I just wanted to share the research I have gathered in literally hundreds of hours of screen time persuit. These files and my web domain are secured by https encryption. It is a place of peace and quiet, collecting no data, some selling of goods, and where ads, pop-up windows, or blaring audio/video feeds will never assault you. Have a look at my "A TIME FOR ANGELS" store. Angel-themed T-shirts & Mugs: https://a-time-for-angels.printify.me/products [Store] https://www.dansher.com/ATFA/Half_Of_Mine_m.jpg [Sample] https://www.dansher.com/ATFA/I_Got_This_m.jpg [Sample] ============================================================================================== Local Path: "C:\DAN\Budget\Fidelity\Retirement\On_Line\gold.txt" "C:\DAN\Budget\Gold\gold.txt.lnk" Web Path: https://www.dansher.com/USD_fyi/gold.txt Short URL: https://tinyurl.com/y62zeq9d =================================================================================================== EOF