Web Path: https://www.dansher.com/USD_fyi/BITBlockCOINChain_fyi.txt ** ALERT: NOW READ THIS: ** This is a simple text file. It is NOT a web page. THIS FILE SHOULD **NOT** BE VIEWED ON A CELL PHONE (too small). VIEW ONLY ON A COMPUTER MONITOR OR AT LEAST WITH A TABLET DEVICE. PREPARE YOUR MIND by watching the two links below for 30 seconds, EACH, every day! https://www.usdebtclock.org/ https://www.usdebtclock.org/gold-precious-metals.html THE FED SAYS: Our high INFLATION IS ONLY "TRANSITORY." DAN MARTIN SAYS: "LIKE A 500-CAR FREIGHT TRAIN RUNNING OVER YOU IS ONLY "TRANSITORY." 20220309: "...and I STILL say it!" Last Update: 20240426 20240420 20240226 20240118 20240116 20240115 20240111 20231123 20230810 20230803 20230727 20230714 20230707 20230706 20230627 20230627 20230519 20230419 20230416 20230311 20221108 20221103 20220928 20220926 20220918 20220916 20220908 20220802 20220720 20220629 20220615 20220602 20220525 20220518 20220517 20220510 20220505 20220502 20220427 20220426 OPTIMIZE YOUR FUTURE by studying, for 30 minutes a day, the info presented in the links below. ============================================================================================== DISCLAIMER: ** Please read carefully the Disclaimer & Disclosure at the bottom of this file. NEW ARTICLES ARE CONTINUALLY BEING ADDED TO THE VARIOUS SECTIONS. READ NEWEST-DATED FIRST and then the older ones As Time Allows. USE YOUR WEB BROWSER TO SEARCH FOR THESE TOPIC HEADERS DEEP BELOW: RECENT ARTICLES INFLATION PHYSICAL GOLD RED ALERTS - MUST SEE: https://www.dansher.com/USD_fyi/_RED_ALERTS.txt ELECTION FRAUD FINANCIAL RESOURCES * LOOK >> FREE: You & I each get $10 in FREE BITCOIN brand Crypto Currency but only (ONLY!) when you sign up for a free CoinBase account at the coinbase link just below: https://www.coinbase.com/join/martin_w259e You may also qualify for a CoinBase VISA DEBIT Card so you can spend your crypto holdings (in your Coinbase Wallet) ANYwhere that accepts VISA. Very, VERY private transactions, plus You earn interest on the USDC deposits! WHAT IS USDC? A class of cryptocurrencies called 'stablecoins' have their price fixed to a reserve asset (the US Dollar USD) at a one-to-one ratio. USDC, as its name would suggest, is one such dollar-pegged cryptocurrency. Each USDC is backed by US Dollar-denominated assets held in segregated accounts with US regulated financial institutions. Its goal is to make crypto payments via the blockchain more reliable by reducing price fluctuations. See more info at these links: https://www.coinbase.com/price/usdc https://www.coinbase.com/usdc/ https://status.coinbase.com/# SEARCH FOR: RED ALERTS and RECENT ARTICLES Sections further below. -- Start Learning NOW And Work Down As Time Allows. SEE ALSO: OTHER ON-LINE FINANCIAL RESOURCES AT BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE e.g.: https://www.dansher.com/USD_fyi/gold.txt VERY IMPORTANT TO READ, COMPREHEND, & USE: How to read candlestick charts https://www.coinbase.com/learn/tips-and-tutorials/how-to-read-candlestick-charts VIEWING THIS ON THE WEB? Your web browser MAY allow you to jump directly to the links further below with NO TYPING: NOW KNOW THIS: (1) Highlight the entire link. (2) Right-click the highlighted link. (3) Left-click on the "Go to..." option. All the below is FAR FROM a complete resource of BitCoin or BlockChain information. Both are fast-changing fields and demand the due diligence of your own research. Hummmm: The very existence, growth, and security of BitCoin (and all other digital coin "brands") is utterly dependent on: (1) The 24/7/365 availability of unpoliticized world wide Internet services, AND (2) Planet-busting trigawattts of reliable, 24/7 electrical current (mostly fossil-fueled), AND: (3) Government(s) that do not Track, Tax, or Punish use of BitCoin and other cryptos. PLUS: (4) World Peace for good measure. Then there is this below, which speaks to both sides of 1-4 above... 20211210: Upgrading The Behemoth That Is The Bitcoin Blockchain https://www.zerohedge.com/crypto/upgrading-behemoth-bitcoin-blockchain 20210419: Is Coinbase Netscape 2.0? Here Are 5 Things You Must Believe [i.e., have faith in] "Today (April 19 2021, before the market's open), Coinbase's market cap stands at $64 billion, give or take. Coinbase offers many services, but it mainly operates as an exchange for cryptocurrencies." https://seekingalpha.com/article/4419790-is-coinbase-netscape-2_0-are-five-things-you-must-believe 20210826: Bitcoin's Energy Usage Isn't A Problem. Here's Why https://seekingalpha.com/article/4452010-bitcoin-energy-usage-isnt-a-problem-heres-why You MUST SEE this short (8 min) YouTube video on BitCoin: * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3-BKBDAF48 THEN DO watch these (12-14 min) follow-ups: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-6g8_wggYo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyXY8FZjEwU *If annual BitCoin transactions ever approached current credit card transaction volume, then 13 times the annual world electrical consumption would be required to support them. In the event both (1) and (2) become impossible, you get a NOT(1234) World: Dark Ages 2.0. Which would you rather have then, 100 ounces of physical gold or 100 virtual BitCoins? I prefer the gold (mostly), but YOU HAD BETTER GET TO KNOW the "Other Side" of BitCoin, Ethereum, Cardana_ADA and similar digital "tokens." With the SEC approval of Bitcoin (BTC) Exchange Trated Funds (ETFs), the initial inflow of $USD and other fiat currencies into the Crypto ETF coffers has been nothing short of phenomenal: https://seekingalpha.com/news/4055307-crypto-funds-garner-near-record-weekly-inflows-after-spot-etf-approvals-report https://seekingalpha.com/article/4662332-bitcoin-etf-approval-what-does-it-mean-for-crypto-stocks ======================================================================================== Bitcoin's Revolution Is Now: The Bretton Woods Reset https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8KYcUmtb8g Length: 22:07 Cryptocurrency Documentary "Inside The Crypto-Kingdom" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaI3HakYw2s Length: 37:34 ======================================================================================== See Also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwiUe-U-7k0 = The Bitcoin Gospel | Bitcoin Story https://tinyurl.com/y9dun4ow = FYI from ComputerWorld https://www.blockchain.com/ = A Crypto Broker https://blockchain.info/ = Latest Blockchain Transactions https://blockchain.info/markets = Live Prices Digital "COIN" Market fyi https://www.coinbase.com/ = Broker to Buy, Sell, & Track all digital currencies https://status.coinbase.com/ = Current status of the CoinBase Exchange https://www.coinbase.com/usdc/ = One (1) USDC is always = US$1.00 ; A stable Digital Coin. https://www.coinbase.com/learn/crypto-basics/how-to-secure-crypto = Education https://www.coinbase.com/learn/crypto-basics/what-is-lightning = Education https://www.cryptocompare.com/ = Live prices Bitcoin, Etherium, Others https://www.coinbase.com/learn/crypto-basics/what-is-cardano = Education on ADA https://cardanofoundation.org/ = The Cardano ADA Development Team. Many resources. https://help.hedera.com/hc/en-us = Fyi on the elusive "HBAR" crypto network https://coincodex.com/crypto/hedera-hashgraph/ https://opensea.io/ = Resource to see & buy NFTs https://seekingalpha.com/article/4476817-nfts-tokens-crypto-high-risk-reward https://www.hiveblockchain.com/ = HIVE: Miner of Digital Coins Bitcoin & Ethereum Meet HIVE Blockchain Technologies In 30 Seconds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1YXYQwm5us * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73fqVCH5F4U --- WATCH THIS "HIVE" VIDEO https://www.blockchain.com/explorer = Bitcoin (the brand) live pricing https://www.blockchain.com/prices = All digital tokens/currency pricing * https://www.fidelity.com/viewpoints/active-investor/beyond-bitcoin https://seekingalpha.com/symbol/BTC-USD = Bitcoin current price & News https://seekingalpha.com/symbol/ETH-USD = Ethereum current price & News https://seekingalpha.com/symbol/ADA-USD = Cardano ADA current price & News https://seekingalpha.com/symbol/DOGE-USD = Dogecoin current price & News https://seekingalpha.com/article/4398172-what-is-dogecoin-worth * https://www.coindesk.com/math-behind-bitcoin = The Math Behind the Bitcoin Protocol * https://www.coinbase.com/learn/crypto-basics/what-is-a-blockchain https://www.investvoyager.com/ = A way to invest in a bundle of (50) digital tokens https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/voyager-token/ = Voyager token current price & News https://www.investvoyager.com/VoyagerToken/White_Paper.pdf = A good Read https://www.coingecko.com/en = Live pricing on scores of digital tokens https://www.coinbase.com/ = More digital token information * https://blockgeeks.com/guides/what-is-a-blockchain-operating-system/ https://www.blockchain-council.org/blockchain/blockchain-operating-system-a-complete-overview/ * These are especially useful reading ========================================================== ** MUST WATCH ALL OF THIS** [31 minutes]: 20210521: Cathy Wood: CEO of ARK on Crypto Currencies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-5IUFxZvyU ========================================================== RECENT ARTICLES - NEWEST FIRST [Start Learning NOW And Work Down From The Top As Time Allows]: ============================================================================================ 20240426: Raising Our Bitcoin Targets To $106K - $190K https://seekingalpha.com/article/4686669-we-are-raising-our-bitcoin-targets-to-106k-190k 20240420: Bitcoin halving takes effect bringing a new era for crypto https://seekingalpha.com/news/4091705-bitcoin-halving-takes-effect 20240225: ECB has one message for crypto investors: Bitcoin is bad "ETFs that invest directly in bitcoin (BTC-USD) include: (GBTC) (EZBC) (IBIT) (BRRR) (BTCO) (BTCW) (FBTC) (ARKB) (BITB)." https://seekingalpha.com/news/4070480-ecb-has-one-message-for-crypto-investors-bitcoin-is-bad 20240116: Crypto funds garner near-record weekly inflows after spot ETF approvals https://seekingalpha.com/news/4055307-crypto-funds-garner-near-record-weekly-inflows-after-spot-etf-approvals-report 20240115: How To Choose Between The Bitcoin ETFs "The Fidelity ETF (FBTC), VanEck Bitcoin Trust (HODL), and iShares Bitcoin Trust (IBIT)are among the standout options with competitive fees and attractive features." https://seekingalpha.com/article/4662922-how-to-chose-between-the-bitcoin-etfs 20240111: Bitcoin ETF Approval: What Does It Mean For Crypto Stocks https://seekingalpha.com/article/4662332-bitcoin-etf-approval-what-does-it-mean-for-crypto-stocks 20240111: Cathie Wood sees $1.5M Bitcoin price as Bitcoin ETF launches https://seekingalpha.com/news/4054361-cathie-woods-bitcoin-etf-launches-and-projects-bitcoin-to-go-as-high-as-15m-by-2030 "Listed below are the 10 Bitcoin (BTC-USD) Exchange Traded Funds that were approved by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission: * Ark 21Shares Bitcoin Trust (ARKB) * Bitwise Bitcoin ETF (BITB) * Fidelity Wise Origin Bitcoin Trust (FBTC) * Franklin Bitcoin ETF (EZBC) * Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (OTC:GBTC) * iShares Bitcoin Trust (IBIT) * Invesco Galaxy Bitcoin ETF (BTCO) * Valkyrie Bitcoin Fund (BRRR) * VanEck Bitcoin Trust (HODL) * WisdomTree Bitcoin Trust (BTCW)" 20240111: Bitcoin Halving 2024: How It Works And Why It Matters https://www.forbes.com/advisor/in/investing/cryptocurrency/bitcoin-halving/ https://www.dansher.com/USD_fyi/20240419_Halving.jpg [Historical Halving Chart] 20231123: BTC: Recent Crypto Euphoria Likely To Propel Bitcoin North $100K "April 19, 2024, marks another pivotal moment for Bitcoin. This process involves a reduction in the reward that miners receive for validating transactions, essentially halving the rate at which new Bitcoins are created. Historically, these halving events have played a crucial role in driving upward momentum in Bitcoin prices." [But see also further below: 20210803: Bitcoin: The Key Factor For $100,000 Vs. Noise] https://seekingalpha.com/article/4653851-bitcoin-recent-crypto-euphoria-likely-to-propel-bitcoin-north-100k 20230805: STOP: MILLIONS Are GivingTheir Biometric Identity To A Silver Orb https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLVJQpTBo3E 20230802: U.S.A. BONDS DOWNGRADED. MASSIVE DEBT WITH BITCOIN UPSIDE. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8oYzmDFGKQ What's the Future of Crypto? - Robert Kiyosaki https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSUA4M16R5M 20230727: The Best Strategy For The 2024 Halving Event: Bitcoin Vs. Bitcoin Miners https://seekingalpha.com/article/4620371-best-strategy-for-2024-halving-event-bitcoin-versus-bitcoin-miners How Bitcoin Halving Works, Why It Matters https://www.investopedia.com/bitcoin-halving-4843769 20230714: The Diminishing Dollar & The Rise Of Gold, Silver And CBDCs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28CCpJixXNY 20230706: BITCOIN T0 125K BY 2024? JOBS REPORT EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. MELD fyi. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzFBW6jyzPM 20230705: THERE’S NO GOING BACK ON BITCOIN AFTER THIS. WOW. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnXA-z1KshA 20230626: SEC Fired a Bazooka at Crypto & Why Bitcoin Will Be $80,000 - Danielle Cambone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udHeCVe9uUw 20230613: A.I. PLATFORM EYES *CARDANO* | COINBASE INVITED BY HONG KONG https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lYRxk8t31c 20230527: Unveiling the Darker Side of AI | Connor Leahy | Eye on AI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYGMfd3_D1o 20230505: How The Fed Will Usher In Its “Miracle” Banking System Under Guise of Protecting You https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-5gpSxGbqs 20230419: Is Bitcoin Digital Gold? |Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency | History of Money https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0_kXu1YmZI 20230311: Stablecoin USDC breaks $1.00 USD peg after revealing $3.3 bln Silicon Valley Bank exposure https://www.kitco.com/news/2023-03-11/Stablecoin-USDC-breaks-dollar-peg-after-revealing-3-3-bln-Silicon-Valley-Bank-exposure.html 20230310: FRI: DJIA:(-$345.22) S&P500:(-$56.73) Nasdaq:(-$199.47) VIX=24.80 FRI: DJIA=31906.64 GOLD=1867.90 SILVER=20.52 VIX=24.80 USD=1.04576 IRBT=43.93 BTC=20255.64 ETH=1441.56 ADA=0.31 HIVE=2.35 PRNT=21.87 ASML=601.21 TSM=87.25 RUM=8.88 20221107: "They're Bleeding You Out Financially" | Michael Saylor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSMCvqx8zfw 20221106:Cathie Wood: "Bitcoin Is Acting Just Like Tesla Did Before The Breakout" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3vMkFHTtSQ 20221104: FRI: DJIA:(+$401.97) S&P500:(+$50.66) Nasdaq:(+$132.31) DJIA=32403.22 GOLD=1662.70 SILVER=20.84 VIX=24.55 USD=1.10877 IRBT=54.55 RUM=13.06 BTC=21387.05 ETH=1654.37 ADA=0.43 HIVE=2.086 20221103: Fidelity to offer commission-free bitcoin, ether trading to retail https://seekingalpha.com/news/3901080-fidelity-to-offer-commission-free-bitcoin-ether-trading-to-retail 20220927: The ETH Merge: How The Shift To Proof-Of-Stake Could Impact Investors https://seekingalpha.com/article/4543456-ethereum-merge-how-shift-to-proof-of-stake-could-impact-investors 20220926: CBDC Is The Most Dangerous "Money" That We've Ever Seen - Charles Hoskinson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V--DqdtcrHQ Banks are Planning "Power Blackouts" To Limit Access To Your Money https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhHSbMGw9pg 20220917: "Bitcoin Is Getting Jerked Around But We're Still So Early" by Michael Saylor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgK52An_HCk The Biggest Crash In History Is Here [Time To Get Rich] by Robert Kiyosaki https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2YkdnfgPm8 20220916: Ethereum Post-Merge Risks Being Seen as a "Proof-of-Security" Asset https://www.usfunds.com/resource/ethereum-post-merge-risks-being-seen-as-a-proof-of-security-asset/ 20220908: COINBASE MAKERDAO TAKEOVER; BITCOIN, ETH, ADA CRASHING; PRINTING OIL LIKE DOLLARS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o76Q2A-x_30 20220907: The Big Crash I Predicted Is Upon Us... But It’s Time to Get Rich: - Daniella Cambone interviews Robert Kiyosaki Robert warns that, "communism has entered America via our school system." He reveals that, "the dollar is toast, and gold is money ... if you can print it, I don't want it." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQoqRHULJ6g 20220902: FRI: DJIA:(-$337.98) S&P500:(-$42.50) Nasdaq:(-$154.26) VIX=25.47 FRI: DJIA=31318.34 GOLD=1712.50 SILVER=18.05 VIX=25.47 USD=1.09534 BTC=19800.00 ETH=1552.15 ADA=0.48 HIVE=4.79 20220619: There Are 10 Reasons Why Bitcoin is Crashing | Michael Saylor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rf_JN96bIRE 20220614: If A Recession Is Imminent, Consider Gold And Bitcoin https://seekingalpha.com/article/4518367-if-recession-imminent-consider-gold-and-bitcoin https://fredblog.stlouisfed.org/2022/06/buying-eggs-with-bitcoins/ 20220602: A Bear Market Won't Stop ADA Cardano https://seekingalpha.com/article/4516064-a-bear-market-wont-stop-cardano Riot Blockchain mines 466 bitcoins in May 2022 https://seekingalpha.com/news/3845300-riot-blockchain-mines-466-bitcoins-in-may-lowers-2023-hash-rate-guidance Chipotle strikes deal to accept crypto payments https://seekingalpha.com/news/3845212-chipotle-strikes-deal-to-accept-crypto-payments 20220527: FRI: DJIA:(+$575.77) S&P500:(+$100.40) Nasdaq:(+$390.48) VIX=25.72 DJIA=33212.96 GOLD=1854.10 SILVER=22.12 VIX=25.72 USD=1.01668 BTC=28448.87 ETH=1735.34 ADA=0.45 HIVE=3.98 20220524: Coinbase becomes first cryptocurrency firm to enter Fortune 500 list https://seekingalpha.com/news/3842322-coinbase-becomes-first-cryptocurrency-firm-to-enter-fortune-500-list 20200518: HIVE Blockchain Is A Rare Value Stock In The Crypto Space "One note to make is that HIVE is undertaking a 5-for-1 reverse stock split later this week, simply because its share price is below a dollar." https://seekingalpha.com/article/4512927-hive-blockchain-rare-value-stock-in-crypto-space 20220515: Michael Saylor Reacts To The Current Crypto Crash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjK2xSkX8dk 20220513: FRI: DJIA:(+$466.36) S&P500:(+$93.81) Nasdaq:(+$434.04) FRI: DJIA=32196.66 GOLD=1812.20 SILVER=21.11 VIX=28.87 USD=1.4563 BTC=28850.07 ETH=1965.33 ADA=0.50 HIVE=0.93 20220510: What's next for Bitcoin as the crypto drops under $30,000? https://seekingalpha.com/news/3835642-whats-next-for-bitcoin-as-the-crypto-drops-under-30000 20220506: DJIA:(-$98.60) S&P500:(-$23.53) Nasdaq:(-$173.03) FRI: DJIA=32899.37 GOLD=1883.10 SILVER=22.34 VIX=30.19 USD=1.0366 BTC=35980.83 ETH=2686.36 ADA=0.78 HIVE=1.40 20220504: Bitcoin Vs. Gold: One Year Later, Which Is King? Jim Rickards and Max Keiser Reflect https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dMJyUQwAdM 20210422: Bitcoin vs Gold: The Great Debate with Michael Saylor and Frank Giustra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coHC_9ApBdg 20220426: Fidelity will soon enable Bitcoin investing in 401(k) plans https://seekingalpha.com/news/3826591-fidelity-will-soon-enable-bitcoin-investing-in-401k-plans 20220420: Cathie Wood Says +$1M Bitcoin; Here's Why She's Wrong https://seekingalpha.com/article/4502492-cathie-wood-says-one-million-plus-bitcoin-why-wrong 20220405: Bitcoin As The Next Reserve Asset https://seekingalpha.com/article/4499859-bitcoin-as-the-next-reserve-asset 20220323: Bitcoin: Is It A Buy, Sell, Or Hold After Biden's Executive Order On Cryptocurrency? https://seekingalpha.com/article/4497308-bitcoin-buy-sell-hold-biden-executive-order? Cardano tokens outshine bitcoin, ether after inclusion in new Grayscale fund https://seekingalpha.com/news/3816513-cardano-tokens-outshine-bitcoin-ether-after-inclusion-in-new-grayscale-fund 20220317: "Powers of Darkness" at Play with Coming Digital Dollar! 'It’s Game Over,' says Doug Casey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fari-i6cIQA 20220315: Elon Musk CONFIRMS Now Is The Time To HODL! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1cAfPuCfG8 20220314: Elon Musk: I still own and won't sell my Bitcoin, Ethereum, or Doge https://seekingalpha.com/news/3813214-elon-musk-i-still-own-and-wont-sell-my-bitcoin-ethereum-or-doge 20220309: Cryptos soar after accidental release of coming executive order https://seekingalpha.com/news/3810952-cryptos-soar-after-accidental-release-of-coming-executive-order 20220302: Crypto Chartbook - Bitcoin, Buy The News https://seekingalpha.com/article/4492395-crypto-chartbook-bitcoin-buy-the-news 20220227: Michael Saylor: This Issue Has Never Been WORSE But Bitcoin Can Solve It https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D93U-cmLnmE BITCOIN = NUCLEAR? ## VERY INFORMATIVE ## https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edRwpbkrClA 20220226: Ted Cruz SCOLDS Ontario About Bitcoin: "We Cannot Do That" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pa3Ui66kp_A 20210124: Bitcoin Heading Down to $20,000, More Damage to Come Says Expert Technical Analyst https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGp9T8YxCe0 20220121: Bitcoin breaks below $40K to lowest in five months amid risk asset slump https://seekingalpha.com/news/3790238-bitcoin-breaks-below-40k-to-lowest-in-five-months-amid-risk-asset-slump 20220118: Coinbase partners with Mastercard to enable broader purchase of NFTs https://seekingalpha.com/news/3788763-coinbase-partners-with-mastercard-to-enable-broader-purchase-nfts 20220114: Crypto Payments Are Coming To Visa, Mastercard, PayPal https://seekingalpha.com/article/4479744-crypto-payments-are-coming-to-visa-mastercard-paypal FRI CLOSE: DJIA:(-$201.81) S&P500:(+$3.82) Nasdaq:(+$86.94) DJIA=35911.81 GOLD=1818.10 SILVER=22.96 VIX=19.19 USD=0.95165 BTC=42242.95 ETH=3225.00 ADA=1.24 HIVE=2.42 20220107: Higher number of first-time homebuyers indicate selling crypto supported down payments: Redfin "A Redfin survey in Q4 indicated that one in nine first-time homebuyers (11.6%) surveyed said selling cryptocurrency had helped them save for a down payment." https://seekingalpha.com/news/3786317-higher-number-of-first-time-homebuyers-indicate-selling-crypto-supported-down-payments-redfin 20220104: Bitcoin Is Not Acting Well https://seekingalpha.com/article/4477865-bitcoin-not-acting-well 20211231: FRI CLOSE: DJIA:(-$59.78) S&P500:(-$12.55) Nasdaq:(-$96.59) DJIA=36338.30 GOLD=1829.80 SILVER=23.30 VIX=17.22 USD=0.9567 BTC=46416.54 ETH=3693.23 ADA=1.31 HIVE=2.64 20211221: Ethereum: A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing >> Good background and some tech fyi - worth reading AND the Comments section. https://seekingalpha.com/article/4476304-ethereum-wolf-in-sheeps-clothing >> More detail at this link: https://vitalik.ca/general/2021/12/06/endgame.html 20211215: BITCOIN & CRYPTO WILL RISE BECAUSE OF THIS ONE WORD [INFLATION] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=up0LbOuFtYA 20211209: Coinbase to support hardware currency wallets, starting with Ledger Coinbase (COIN) Chief Financial Officer Alesia Haas said ... that the company stores about 12% of all crypto across more than 150 asset types. "Nearly 50% of our transacting customers are doing something other than buying and selling crypto, which indicates to us that crypto is moving beyond its initial investment phase into the long expected utility phase," she said. https://seekingalpha.com/news/3778630-coinbase-to-support-hardware-currency-wallets-starting-with-ledger 20211207: Bitcoin on Track to Surpass Gold’s Market Cap with Alex Tapscott | Stansberry Research https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SIBLIdgl90 20211204: THIS BITCOIN DIP MIGHT NOT BE OVER. HERE'S 3 REASONS. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avjmCg6hoIs 20211202: Bitcoin Being Demonized as an Inflation Hedge, Just Like Gold Warns Vince Lanci https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8o-Gx2cflY Bitcoin - New All-Time Highs In Sight https://seekingalpha.com/article/4473113-bitcoin-new-all-time-highs-in-sight 20211201: Ethereum [ETH] Outlook 2022: Bullish With Upside From Ecosystem Momentum https://seekingalpha.com/article/4472892-ethereum-outlook-2022-bullish-upside-ecosystem-momentum DeFi interest grows as stablecoin issuance jumps to $152B in November: "Bitcoin (BTC-USD) and Ethereum (ETH-USD), are the two largest market caps in the crypto world, accounting for more than half of the global crypto market share. For institutional investors, it's no longer just hedge funds that are participating. Long-term asset managers and pension funds are now starting to question what role cryptocurrency should play in their portfolio." https://seekingalpha.com/news/3775820-defi-interest-grows-as-stablecoin-issuance-jump-to-152b-in-november-morgan-stanley 20211130: Bitcoin, Stablecoins And Gold: The Who's Who Of Money https://seekingalpha.com/article/4472528-bitcoin-stablecoins-gold-whos-who-of-money Coinbase to acquire Unbound Security to utilize cryptographic security tech "COIN will buy Israel-based cryptographic security company Unbound Security with plans to set up a new research facility there, the company says in a blog post. Unbound Security specializes in advanced security technologies including the emerging field of secure multi-party computation [MPC]." https://seekingalpha.com/news/3775431-coinbase-to-acquire-unbound-security-to-utilize-cryptographic-security-tech 20211129: Bitcoin, Ethereum erase most of Friday's losses amid broader stock market rally "Ether (ETH-USD +6.7%) continues to outpace Bitcoin (BTC-USD +5.7%) on all time frames going back five years." https://seekingalpha.com/news/3774854-bitcoin-ethereum-erase-most-of-fridays-losses-amid-broader-stock-market-rally 20211128: This is 'horrible for the world economy' but also good for gold price - Todd Horwitz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KZxjNy1FMY 20211126: FRI CLOSE: DJIA:(-$905.04) S&P500:(-$106.84) Nasdaq:(-$353.57) DJIA=34899.34 GOLD=1786.70 SILVER=23.08 VIX=28.62 USD=0.96089 BTC=54048.68 ETH=4080.74 ADA=1.56 HIVE=3.71 20211125: COIN Stands To Gain Big From India And Japan's Cryptocurrency Projects If Done Right "The company's USDC project provides a very interesting possibility in the East, which would have a transformative effect on the bottom line and stock value perception. Consider the decline of the U.S. dollar's purchasing power over the decades." 20211124: Cathie Wood testing 'ARK on steroids' short strategy, backs Zoom, Tesla and Bitcoin "For individual stocks, the founder and CEO of Ark Invest told CNBC that she backed Zoom (NASDAQ:ZM) and Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA). She also described herself as a "net buyer" of Bitcoin (BTC-USD), saying she makes strategic investments in the cryptocurrency, even though she doubted the need to use it as an inflation hedge." https://seekingalpha.com/news/3774217-cathie-wood-testing-ark-on-steroids-short-strategy-backs-zoom-tesla-and-bitcoin 20211119: Gold Can Do Things That Bitcoin Cannot, I’m Still a Fan: Ethereum Co-Founder Exclusive https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0qcon4jW2c 20211103: Ethereum hit new record high overnight as coins get taken out of circulation https://seekingalpha.com/news/3763869-ethereum-hit-new-record-high-overnight-as-coins-get-taken-out-of-circulation 20211029: HIVE Summarizes Michael Saylor’s Slides from the Bitcoin Mining Council’s Oct. 2021 Presentation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EH1kzMTgXew 20211027: Gold Is More Than Dead, Matt McCall Doubles Down Says Crypto Will Be Reserve Currency https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oc0XLijVlR4 20211026: BACK TO GOLD STANDARD: John Butler & Lynette Zang https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PkzUY-JvJE 20211021: Ethereum, Cardano, Solana climb as bitcoin holds on to gains https://seekingalpha.com/news/3756094-ethereum-cardano-solana-trade-in-the-green-as-bitcoin-holds-on-to-gains Walmart Rolls Out Bitcoin ATMs Across 200 Stores Nationwide https://www.zerohedge.com/crypto/walmart-rolls-out-bitcoin-atms-across-200-stores-nationwide 20211020: Bitcoin: You Have Been Warned: Is BTC a trojan horse for CBDCs? https://seekingalpha.com/article/4460933-bitcoin-you-have-been-warned Hedera jumps 11% in the week after USD Coin joins the network https://seekingalpha.com/news/3755488-hedera-jumps-11-in-the-week-after-usd-coin-joins-the-network 20211015: Gold Is Dead, Bitcoin Officially an Asset Class Says Matt McCall https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5smY5Yzj3c FRI CLOSE: DJIA:(+$382.20) S&P500:(+$33.11) Nasdaq:(+73.91) DJIA=35294.76 GOLD=1767.40 SILVER=23.30 VIX=16.30 USD=0.93937 BTC=61012.87 ETH=3843.26 ADA=2.22 HIVE=3.13 20211013: Bitcoin could reach $100K by 2023 - Fidelity's Jurrien Timmer https://seekingalpha.com/news/3752467-bitcoin-could-reach-100k-by-2023-recent-move-isnt-driven-by-momentum-fidelity-analyst 3 Things I Think I Think - Long-Term Trends in Stocks & Crypto https://seekingalpha.com/article/4459659-three-long-term-trends 20211008: "Uptober" Doesn't Disappoint as Bitcoin Touches $56,000 https://www.usfunds.com/investor-library/investor-alert/uptober-doesnt-disappoint-as-bitcoin-touches-56-000/ 20211007: Crypto Gestapo: US launches National Cryptocurrency Enforcement Team https://www.kitco.com/news/2021-10-07/US-launches-National-Cryptocurrency-Enforcement-Team.html How Uncorrelated Is Bitcoin? https://seekingalpha.com/article/4458955-how-uncorrelated-is-bitcoin 20211004: HIVE Blockchain achieves record net income, gross mining margin in fiscal Q1 https://seekingalpha.com/news/3748267-hive-blockchain-achieves-record-net-income-gross-mining-margin-in-q1-2022 20211001: Kevin O'Leary | For the First Time My Crypto Exposure Is Greater Than Gold https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-itA_M-JAv0 Coinbase says hackers stole from at least 6,000 customer accounts. "The incident occurred between March and May of 2021. This hacking involved phishing attacks [on customers and] we have not found any evidence the hackers obtained this information from Coinbase itself," Coinbase [COIN] said. https://seekingalpha.com/news/3747110-coinbase-says-hackers-stole-from-at-least-6000-customer-accounts Coinbase, Nexo, And BlockFi - A Drastic Change In The Crypto Lending Space Is Lurking https://seekingalpha.com/article/4458095-coinbase-nexo-and-blockfi-a-drastic-change-in-the-crypto-lending-space-is-lurking 20210929: Robert Kiyosaki: ‘The biggest crash in world history’ hits this October https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gH_iyowh7g Bitcoin faces biggest monthly decline since May as regulators poised to act "Much of the selling in BTC came from new investors as "older" owners are sitting tight on their holdings" https://seekingalpha.com/news/3745728-bitcoin-faces-biggest-monthly-decline-since-may-as-regulators-try-to-step-in-coindesk First Bitcoin/Ethereum combination ETF has been launched on the TSX https://seekingalpha.com/news/3745776-first-multi-crypto-asset-etf-has-been-launched-on-the-tsx Tesla's Elon Musk wants unregulated crypto & slams Biden's EV policy for union influence. https://seekingalpha.com/news/3745841-teslas-elon-musk-slams-bidens-ev-policy-for-union-influence-wants-unregulated-crypto 20210928: HIVE Has Record Annual Revenue of $66.7 M and Earnings of $43.5 M (Y/E March 31, 2021) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUOSGsrTumA 20210928: I Don't Often Buy Cathie Wood Stocks, But When I Do, I Buy COIN PLTR TDOC https://seekingalpha.com/article/4457416-3-cathie-wood-stocks-to-buy-pltr-tdoc-coin 20210927: Coinbase to allow customers to direct deposit crypto or USD with debit card https://seekingalpha.com/news/3745002-coinbase-to-allow-customers-to-direct-deposit-crypto-or-usd-with-debit-card Here's How Crypto Trading Apps Are Faring After Bitcoin's Decline https://seekingalpha.com/article/4457268-crypto-trading-apps-after-bitcoin-decline Cardano's commercial arm invests $100M to boost DeFi, NFTs, blockchain https://seekingalpha.com/news/3744816-cardanos-commercial-arm-invests-100m-to-boost-defi-nft-blockchain-coindesk 20210924: HIVE Blockchain Technologies reports full year results "Best value at the moment in the crypto mining industry. Soon to be a $10 stock" https://seekingalpha.com/news/3743865-hive-blockchain-technologies-reports-full-year-results FRI CLOSE: DJIA:(+$33.18) S&P500:(+$6.50) Nasdaq:(-$4.55) COIN=236.53 DJIA=34798.00 GOLD=1750.20 SILVER=22.39 VIX=17.75 USD=0.93277 BTC=43009.94 ETH=2964.38 ADA=2.31 HIVE=2.85 Gold Passed the Evergrande "Stress Test" "Gold and Bitcoin Looking More Attractive as [Chinese Evergrande] Contagion Fears Mount" https://www.usfunds.com/investor-library/investor-alert/gold-passed-the-evergrande-stress-test/ 20210920: Bitcoin At Scale Is Not Blockchain https://seekingalpha.com/article/4455596-bitcoin-at-scale-is-not-blockchain $100,000 Bitcoin Price Could Come as Early as Next Month | Mike McGlone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDXSELF3bFI 20210917: Fossil Fuels Are Under Siege. Is Misinformation to Blame? "In nearly every other profession - from physician to engineer to money manager - there are mechanisms in place to hold bad actors accountable. Why is that not the case with scientists, who may make promissory or misleading statements that materially impact individuals and businesses?" https://www.usfunds.com/investor-library/investor-alert/fossil-fuels-are-under-siege-is-misinformation-to-blame/ 20210917: FRI CLOSE: DJIA:(-$166.44) S&P500:(-$40.76) Nasdaq:(-$137.96) FRI: DJIA=34584.88 GOLD=1753.80 SILVER=22.36 VIX=20.81 USD=0.9323 BTC=47323.65 ETH=3412.18 ADA=2.36 HIVE=2.80 [Formerly HVBT] 20210916: Keiser Report | The Coming Great Deflation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOFShz_52O8 20210915: This is how Bitcoin beat gold in attracting investors - Frank Holmes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xP5tL1oAwAw Tax Hikes, Not a Waning Economy Will Kill the Bull Market | "Bubba" Horwitz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xaIJ9p3eoI 20210914: HIVE Blockchain Technologies [HVBT]: This Overlooked Crypto Miner Is A Speculative Buy https://seekingalpha.com/article/4455102-hive-blockchain-technologies-overlooked-crypto-miner-speculative-buy Cathie Wood (ARK) repeats $500,000 Bitcoin call; sees long-term deflationary trend; explains TSLA sale https://seekingalpha.com/news/3739513-cathie-wood-repeats-500000-bitcoin-call-sees-long-term-deflationary-trend-explains-tsla-sale 20210913: PROFILE: HIVE Blockchain [Miner of BTC & ETH] on CNBC’s “Advancements TV” Series https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20W3EfpJQUw 20210912: Is gold dead? Bitcoin price to hit levels we 'cannot imagine'- Ronald-Peter Stoeferle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIHJgncRbbM BIG LAUNCH: Cardano ADA 2.0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cy1Ma_Y7cSQ 20210910: FRI CLOSE: DJIA:(-$271.66) S&P500:(-$34.70) Nasdaq:(-$132.76) FRI: DJIA=34607.72 GOLD=1786.80 SILVER=23.68 VIX=20.95 USD=0.92582 BTC=45037.90 ETH=3241.63 CARDANO_ADA=2.42 HVBT=3.00 COIN=238.42 20210826: Bitcoin's Energy Usage Isn't A Problem. Here's Why: [VERY Thorough: MUST READ] https://seekingalpha.com/article/4452010-bitcoin-energy-usage-isnt-a-problem-heres-why 20210817: The Bitcoin 'Taproot' Upgrade Is Bigger Than You Think https://seekingalpha.com/article/4450212-the-bitcoin-taproot-upgrade-is-bigger-than-you-think Forget Bitcoin - 3 Reasons To Buy Coinbase Instead After Q2 Results https://seekingalpha.com/article/4450233-forget-bitcoin-3-reasons-to-buy-coinbase-instead-after-q2-results 20210816: Palantir Invests in More SPAC Companies, and Buys $51 Million in Gold Bars -- Barrons.com https://eresearch.fidelity.com/eresearch/evaluate/news/basicNewsStory.jhtml?symbols=PLTR&storyid=202108161745DOWJONESREALTIME009277&provider=DOWJONES&product=REALTIME 20210827: FRI CLOSE: DJIA:(+$242.68) S&P500:(+$39.37) Nasdaq:(+$183.69) FRI: DJIA=34455.80 GOLD=1816.80 SILVER=23.98 VIX=16.39 USD=0.92686 BTC=49030.38 ETH=3273.02 ADA=2.89 My personal CB_WAL=21313.34 20210813: FRI CLOSE: DJIA:(+$15.53) S&P500:(+$7.17) Nasdaq:(+$6.64) DJIA=35515.38 GOLD=1779.70 SILVER=23.73 VIX=15.45 USD=0.92518 BTC=46453.81 ETH=3221.09 ADA=1.99 Bitcoin: There's Blood In The Water "Bitcoin (BTC-USD) prices have rallied by more than +60% since July 20th and this upward activity has led to another round of speculation suggesting that market prices will reach the $100,000 level by the end of the year." https://seekingalpha.com/article/4448734-bitcoin-there-is-blood-in-the-water?mail_subject=bitcoin-there-s-blood-in-the-water 20210807: Fidelity BUYS Crypto Coin Mining Co (Crypto brands Bitcoin & Ethereum now mainstream) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8o2M5ylPEk&list=LL Are crypto investors about to pay more taxes? HIVE's Frank Holmes on new IRS rules https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esd-yloSkKs&list=LL 20210805: Ethereum on track for major upgrade amid infrastructure bill regulatory pressure https://seekingalpha.com/news/3726190-ethereum-on-track-for-major-upgrade-amid-infrastructure-bill-regulatory-pressure 20210804: Ethereum: A Deconstruction [and Explanation] Of Crypto Supply "[Ethereum is] the second-largest crypto asset by market cap [to Bitcoin], and why some upcoming changes to its issuance mechanism may support the case for it as not only a store of value, but also a deflationary asset." https://seekingalpha.com/article/4444670-ethereum-a-deconstruction-of-crypto-supply HIVE Reaches $200 Million Annual Run Rate and Purchases 4,000 Next Generation Miners https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdK8-LyjwcM&list=LL&index=20 20210803: Bitcoin: The Key Factor For $100,000 Vs. Noise https://seekingalpha.com/article/4444565-bitcoin-key-factor-for-100k-versus-noise 20210729: How to Explain Bitcoin to Your Grandma https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLc93o6Wr9M 20210723: Mining Disrupt Recap 2021: HIVE Blockchain Technologies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fy438WVDZcM 20210727: Cardano Going MAINSTREAM & Ethereum TRIPLE HALVING DELAY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TXXUEVPFVU 20210726: Robert Breedlove: "Bitcoin on Track for $307K by Start of 2022, "It Won't Take Much: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsxOwYoVkEI 20210723: Mining Disrupt Recap 2021: HIVE Blockchain Technologies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fy438WVDZcM 20210718: Riot Blockchain: Massive Hashrate Growth In The Cards But Are We Running Out Of Bitcoin To Mine? https://seekingalpha.com/article/4439807-riot-blockchain-massive-hashrate-growth-but-are-we-running-out-of-bitcoin-to-mine 20210715: Don't we already have digital currency? What's all the hype about CBDCs? https://seekingalpha.com/news/3715600-dont-we-already-have-digital-currency-whats-all-the-hype-about-cbdcs 20210711: Bitcoin And Crypto: Fraud Or The Future? https://seekingalpha.com/article/4438664-bitcoin-and-crypto-fraud-or-the-future 20210709: CENTRAL BANKS VS CRYPTO: The Battle Lines Are Being Drawn…by LYNETTE ZANG https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLgyZCp1dI4 20210705: Ethereum 'flippening' happening now; Mashinsky talks $100k+ BTC this year, quantum computer threats https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qyFUxxVQVU 20210703: Keiser Report | Two different parabolic moves | E1718 "Gold vs Bitcoin: Thousands of years of tradition can be side-lined in one generation. Example: Horses v Cars." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKZ3whXv2Zw 20210702: Don't let FUD give you FOMO or you'll end up REKT - crypto slang, explained https://www.coinbase.com/learn/tip-and-tutorials/crypto-slang-guide Satoshi Currency: Getting to Grips with Bitcoin Fractions "The smallest unit of Bitcoin is known as a Satoshi. Named after the now legendary creator/s of Bitcoin, 1 Satoshi = 1/100,000,000 (one 100 millionths) of a Bitcoin. In Dollar terms $1 = roughly 16 500 Satoshi." https://coincentral.com/satoshi-currency-getting-to-grips-with-bitcoin-fractions/ 20210701: Ethereum could dethrone Bitcoin, but when? with Frank Holmes “Ethereum is the backbone to the blockchain network,” said Frank Holmes, CEO of U.S. Global Investors. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKgomDGDfKU 20210629: Max Keiser Doubles Down on Bitcoin Price Forecast of $220,000 by Year-End; No Fear, No Doubt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3PDeuAeuUI What green energy, my expanding waistline, and the price of oil have in common-Dominic Frisby https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Lw1m_OpcVU 20210626: Mother Nature's greatest enemy is not bitcoin mining - it's big government https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Z5nV8ERDhE Ethereum & Bitcoin | DOCUMENTARY | Vitalik Buterin | Cryptocurrencies | Success Stories https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAgSEMj9gt8 20210623: World Will Collapse Under Current Financial System Warns Author Jeff Booth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRH-oVIvwXY https://coincentral.com/satoshi-currency-getting-to-grips-with-bitcoin-fractions/ 20210622: The Genesis Of BITCOIN | Documentary | Satoshi Nakamoto https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuYikW_3_VY 20210621: The Differences In Bitcoin And Ethereum Performance Drivers https://seekingalpha.com/article/4435862-differences-in-bitcoin-and-ethereum-performance-drivers 20210617: Can't Decide Between Gold or Bitcoin? Why Not Both? https://www.usfunds.com/investor-library/frank-talk-a-ceo-blog-by-frank-holmes/cant-decide-between-gold-or-bitcoin-why-not-both/ 20210615: Bank Capital And Cryptocurrencies https://seekingalpha.com/article/4434871-bank-capital-and-cryptocurrencies 20210521: Privacy. Get you Some [12 minutes] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iD2g69qG6zI 20210501: How To Play Gold and Bitcoin; Should You Diversify or Not? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoa-D_KNJTs&list=LL&index=6 20210427: Coinbase Listing Signals Digital Assets Maturity https://seekingalpha.com/article/4421530-coinbase-listing-signals-digital-assets-maturity Voyager Digital [OTCQB:VYGVF]: 18,000% Revenue Growth And Better Interest Than Coinbase [COIN] "Voyager has two advantages over Coinbase (COIN): Lower trading costs and higher interest on cryptos." https://seekingalpha.com/article/4421548-voyager-digital-18000-percent-revenue-growth-and-better-interest-than-coinbase 20210426: Why Coinbase Is A Safer Crypto And Blockchain Play Than Buying Bitcoin "Coinbase is a safer play for the risk averse. For those with a bigger risk appetite, Bitcoin is your play." https://seekingalpha.com/article/4421299-why-coinbase-is-better-than-bitcoin 20210423: FRI CLOSE: DJIA: (+$227.59) S&P500:(+$45.19) Nasdaq: (+$198.40) COIN @ $291.60 DJIA=34043.49 GOLD=1776.90 VIX=17.33 USD=0.90859 20210422: Bitcoin vs Gold: The Great Debate with Michael Saylor and Frank Giustra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coHC_9ApBdg&list=LL&index=6 20210419: Bitcoin: 5 Signs This Bull Market Has Legs https://seekingalpha.com/article/4419803-bitcoin-5-signs-this-bull-market-legs 20210416: Bitcoin will be outlawed if it becomes "successful." https://www.kitco.com/news/2021-04-16/Jim-Rogers-History-shows-that-Bitcoin-will-be-outlawed-if-it-becomes-successful.html 20210326: What If We're Measuring Inflation All Wrong? "As International Monetary Fund (IMF) economist Marshall Reinsdorf recently put it: "Spending patterns changed abruptly, and the Consumer Price Index (CPI) weight suddenly became obsolete." As a result, there may be a huge amount of inflation that simply isn’t being detected." https://www.usfunds.com/investor-library/investor-alert/what-if-were-measuring-inflation-all-wrong/ 20210322: Lynette Zang: Why You Must Get Out of the System; The Fed's Master Plan [**MUST VIEW**] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-sXbsQoh78&list=LL&index=9 20210304: Bitcoin Will Not Save the World and It’s Nothing Close to a Safe Haven Warns Puru Saxena https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJ_gtSeVQvA 20210223: Digital Transformation Comes To Energy, Autos, And Currency https://seekingalpha.com/article/4408199-digital-transformation-comes-to-energy-autos-and-currency-jon-markman-and-greg-king-join 20210220: The Future Of Money Is Gold https://seekingalpha.com/article/4407674-future-money-gold 20210219: FRI CLOSE: DJIA: (+$0.98) S&P500:(-$7.26) Nasdaq: (+$9.11) BTC @ $56,139.03 DJIA=31494.32 GOLD=1784.60 VIX=22.05 USD=0.9034 20210217: BLOK: Look At Blockchain's Uses, Not Just Bitcoin's Value https://tinyurl.com/3zk9zb6k https://seekingalpha.com/article/4406678-blok-look-blockchains-uses-not-just-bitcoins-value Forget Bitcoin, DeFi Is The Next Game In Town "Crypto is unlocking the next level of enterprise and the pioneers are the Decentralised Finance (DeFi) companies that are erupting on the scene now." https://seekingalpha.com/article/4406862-forget-bitcoin-defi-is-next-game-in-town 20210216: THE VAST ENERGY COST OF MINING FOR BITCOIN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5dHRozWJM4 20210209: Tesla Just Bought $1.5 Billion Worth of Bitcoin. Is Apple Next? https://www.usfunds.com/investor-library/frank-talk/tesla-just-bought-1-5-billion-worth-of-bitcoin/ 20210205: FRI CLOSE: DJIA: (+$92.38) S&P500:(+$15.09) Nasdaq: (+$78.55) DJIA=31148.24 GOLD=1815.20 VIX=20.87 USD=0.91042 20210129: Why I Don't 'Invest' In Bitcoin https://seekingalpha.com/article/4401602-why-i-dont-invest-in-bitcoin 20210129: FRI CLOSE: DJIA: (-$620.74) S&P500:(-$73.14) Nasdaq: (-$266.46) DJIA=29982.62 GOLD=1848.10 VIX=33.09 USD=0.90584 20210126:Frank Holmes: 5 Reasons to Consider Ethereum https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXXO5zQOnUw 20210111: What Is A Dogecoin [even] Worth ? https://seekingalpha.com/article/4398172-what-is-dogecoin-worth 20210102: I Blockchain, Therefore I Am https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2021/01/i_blockchain_therefore_i_am.html 20201231: THU CLOSE: DJIA: (+$196.92) S&P500:(+$24.03) Nasdaq: (+$18.28) THUR: DJIA=30606.48 GOLD=1898.00 VIX=22.75 USD=0.89919 20201127: FRI CLOSE: DJIA: (+$37.90) S&P500:(+$8.70) Nasdaq: (+$111.34) FRI: DJIA=29910.37 GOLD=1787.70 VIX=20.84 USD=0.9179 20201118: The Unfortunate Case Against Bitcoin https://seekingalpha.com/article/4390109-unfortunate-case-against-bitcoin 20201112: Bitcoin: Addressing Misconceptions https://seekingalpha.com/article/4388422-bitcoin-addressing-misconceptions 20201110: "Bitcoin May Be In A Bubble But Blockchain Is Here To Stay" says Seeking Alpha https://seekingalpha.com/article/4123178-bitcoin-may-bubble-blockchain-stay 20171229: Bitcoin Is Fool's Gold: Top 10 Income And Capital Appreciation Ideas For 2018 https://seekingalpha.com/article/4134485-bitcoin-fools-gold-top-10-income-capital-appreciation-ideas-2018 ============================================================================= ==============[ OTHER ON-LINE RESOURCES (frequently updated) ]============== ARTIFICIAL GENERAL INTELLIGENCE (AGI) https://www.dansher.com/USD_fyi/_AGI_fyi.txt RED ALERTS https://www.dansher.com/USD_fyi/_RED_ALERTS.txt MY OWN INVESTMENT PHILOSOPHY. https://www.dansher.com/USD_fyi/XFER_20210528_fyi.txt 20220911: Become Financially Independent, Stress-Free In 15 Years [Ownership benefits of neither Gold or Crypto is mentioned in this artical] https://seekingalpha.com/article/4539468-become-financially-independent-stress-free-in-15-years UNDERSTAND WHAT "EBITDA" AND DOZENS OF OTHER INVESTMENT TERMS MEAN: https://www.dansher.com/USD_fyi/Acronyms.txt INTRODUCTION TO VIRTUAL [DIGITAL] "MONEY": https://www.dansher.com/USD_fyi/BITBlockCOINChain_fyi.txt WHERE I [DRM] GO TO BUY & SELL STOCKS & MUTUAL FUNDS AND WHY:: https://www.dansher.com/USD_fyi/Fidelity_Stock_fyi.txt PHYSICAL METALLIC GOLD vs PAPER US DOLLAR (Fiat Treasury Note) https://www.dansher.com/USD_fyi/DollahVsGold.txt LEARN ABOUT THE MOST PRECIOUS GOLD COIN IN THE USA: https://www.dansher.com/USD_fyi/Gold_Eagle_fyi.txt THE REASONS GOLD PRICES NEVER REALLY GO UP OR DOWN: https://www.dansher.com/USD_fyi/gold.txt WHERE I GO TO BUY PHYSICAL GOLD: https://www.dansher.com/USD_fyi/Kitco_Gold_fyi.txt 20220907: The Big Crash I Predicted Is Upon Us... But It’s Time to Get Rich: - Daniella Cambone interviews Robert Kiyosaki Robert warns that, "communism has entered America via our school system." He reveals that, "the dollar is toast, and gold is money ... if you can print it, I don't want it." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQoqRHULJ6g Executive Order CBDC: Who Stands To Profit The Most? - Lynette Zang https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLlmxy4GHc4&list=FLCOKG4qA_j73w39s2SijVSw&index=12 20220902: FRI: DJIA:(-$337.98) S&P500:(-$42.50) Nasdaq:(-$154.26) VIX=25.47 FRI: DJIA=31318.34 GOLD=1712.50 SILVER=18.05 VIX=25.47 USD=1.09534 BTC=19800.00 ETH=1552.15 ADA=0.48 HIVE=4.79 WHY AN OUNCE OF GOLD WEIGHS MORE THAN AN OUNCE OF LEAD: https://www.dansher.com/USD_fyi/Troy_vs_Avoir.txt FYI ON VIX; A GOOD SHORT-TERM INDICATOR OF STOCK MARKET PRICES: https://www.dansher.com/USD_fyi/VIX_fyi.txt https://www.dansher.com/USD_fyi/VIX_fyi.jpg https://www.dansher.com/USD_fyi/VIX_fyi_20190117.pdf ELECTION FRAUD, CUTTING THE CABLE, AND NON-MAINSTREAM NEWS SOURCES https://www.dansher.com/MAGA/Q_Links_fyi.txt MAKE A JOYFUL NOISE https://www.dansher.com/audio/pdf_tunes.html =================================================================================================== 2022 AHEAD 20220426: 20220426: THE RISE OF GLOBAL INFLATION: BIS Report April 2022:Lynette Zang https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQTbial5uQo 20220224: Immutability Drives Bitcoin Amidst Fog Of War https://seekingalpha.com/article/4489901-immutability-drives-bitcoin-amidst-fog-of-war Related: What is a Re-Entrancy Attack? https://quantstamp.com/blog/what-is-a-re-entrancy-attack 20220222: Trudeau Just Closed The Bitcoin Argument https://seekingalpha.com/article/4489008-trudeau-closed-bitcoin-argument Bitcoin’s Use Case Strengthens as Canadian Bank Accounts Get Frozen "History has shown us that the more socialist a country is, the more authoritarian it risks becoming... The [Canadian] prime minister has invoked emergency powers that allow him to “commandeer” banks and insurers." https://www.usfunds.com/resource/bitcoins-use-case-strengthens-as-canadian-bank-accounts-get-frozen/ 20220127: Sizing Up HIVE & 16 Other Bitcoin Miners For 2022 https://seekingalpha.com/article/4482079-sizing-up-17-bitcoin-miners-2022 20220107: This ONE Thing Might Signal the End - Robert Kiyosaki & Gerald Celente https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdA_bOcDOiQ FedCoin is Coming, Say Goodbye to Your Privacy in 2022 Warns E.B. Tucker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhv2Z2z9JoU Bruce Frisby’s Forecasts – what does 2022 have in store for investors? 01: NASDAQ > $19000 02: OIL >= $100 per barrel 03: USD gains [some] strength 04: GOLD > $2000 05: S&P500 > $5000 06: CRYPTO BTC 07: BTC will be legal tender in at least two more countries 08: Copper > $5 per pound 09: UK Real Estate keeps going up 10: British Pound rises against the Euro 11: Silver disappoints [again] <= $30 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXlPU2HrzoM 20220106: Stock markets to crash 90% in 2022 = best buying opportunity in lifetime - Harry Dent https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtXIz8Xeg-Q 20220104: Financial Crisis Is Already Here, Don’t Let Market Exuberance Fool You - Lynette Zang https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-tnozmGa54 20211224: 2022 Outlook Q&A: Crypto, Inflation And Energy Transition https://seekingalpha.com/article/4476690-2022-outlook-q-and-a-crypto-inflation-and-energy-transition 20211223: U.S. Retail Q4 2021 Holiday Sales And 2022 Outlook https://seekingalpha.com/article/4476650-us-retail-q4-2021-holiday-sales-and-2022-outlook 2022 Market Outlook For Dividend Investors https://seekingalpha.com/article/4476589-2022-market-outlook-for-dividend-investors My Top 10 Stock Picks For 2022 https://seekingalpha.com/article/4476579-my-top-10-stock-picks-2022 ============================================================================= DISCLAIMER: ** Through the Grace of Almighty God and Trump administration policies, I have been able to make mostly good financial decisions that have mostly paid off well. I am NOT a licensed Financial Advisor and none of the writings above, nor anything linked within the dansher.com domain should be construed as such. I just wanted to share the research I have gathered in literally hundreds of hours of screen time persuit. These files and my web domain are secured by https encryption. It is a place of peace and quiet, collecting no data and some selling of goods, where ads, pop-up windows, or blaring audio/video feeds will never assault you. Have a look at my "A TIME FOR ANGELS" store. Angel-themed T-shirts & Mugs: https://a-time-for-angels.printify.me/products [Store] https://www.dansher.com/ATFA/Half_Of_Mine_m.jpg [Sample] https://www.dansher.com/ATFA/I_Got_This_m.jpg [Sample] DISCLOSURE: I own shares of HIVE (Hive technologies). ^^^^^^^^^^ I own fractional portions of the digital coin brands Bitcoin, Ethereum, & Cardana ADA. I buy and sell them via Coinbase, my digital coin broker. EOF