Last Update: 20240624 2023017 20210821 20200106 Local Path: "C:\DAN\HTM\GoDaddy\dansher\BCRDB\MAGA\RRRs_or_XXX.txt" Web Path: "DO IT X_for_X TO THE CHILDREN" School District Progressive/Leftist/Globalist Funding Strategy: (1) Cut back spending on essential educational standards: "Readin' Ritin' & 'Rithmetik". (2) Divert the resulting "slush" money into Pro-Progressive Curricula such as Climate Justice, Social Justice, Sex-Identity Propaganda, Climate Change Indoctrination, Critical Race Theory, etc. (3) Tell Parents essential education standards cannot be taught without substantial increases in Property Taxes and/or Extensions to "Temporary" Sales and other Taxes. (4) If Parents vote "No" to New Taxes and or Extensions to Temporary Taxes in (3), label them as Racist, Right-Wing, White Supremacist Bigots, etc. and initiate "emergency" spending increases on Pro-Progressive Curricula (Social Justice, Sex-Identity Propaganda, Climate Change Indoctrination, Critical Race Theory, etc.) by reducing funds spent to teach Readin' Ritin' & 'Rithmetik. (5) If Parents vote "Yes" and approve New Taxes and/or Extensions to Temporary Taxes, divert still more funds away from essential educational standards and spend them on the usual Pro-Progressive Curricula (Climate Justice, Sex-Identity Propaganda, Critical Race Theory, Climate Change Indoctrination, Social Justice etc) plus introduce new Progressive Curricula subjects such as Cross-Cultural Religious training (e.g., Islamic studies) and more Revisionist History propaganda. (6) Repeat Steps (1) thru (5) every election cycle. EOF