Last Update: 20220309 20220308 Local Path: "C:\DAN\HTM\GoDaddy\dansher\BCRDB\MAGA\IPCC_Climate_Change_Ass_2022.txt" Web Path: See Also: "C:\DAN\HTM\GoDaddy\dansher\BCRDB\MAGA\IPCC_Climate_Change_Summary_2022.pdf" 2022 IPCC Report: [3,676-Pages] [CAUTION: 3,676-Page .pdf file:] The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has its nest here: ... and is the United Nations body for asserting/imposing the [political/faux] "Science" related to [alleged] Climate Change/Climate Crisis/Climate Disaster. The 2022 Report shows all the Globalist/Leftist/Progressive ("GLP") fantasies about Global Warming/Climate Change ("GWCC"). By postulating various "Climate Disaster" scenarios, the GLP will be able to dictate various Population Controls, Grean New Deals, Taxes, Carbon Credits, Climate Justice, Social Justice, etc - all based on Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt ("FUD"). FULL 2022 IPCC Report: And in case it is taken down (or "sanitized"), here is MY copy of the above on MY web server: [CAUTION: 3,676-Page .pdf file:] In it you will see the FULL Monty of how they plan to implement their GWCC Climate Tyranny. And here is the flaccid IPCC "Summary For Policymakers" (37-Page .pdf file) And in case it is taken down (or "sanitized"), here is MY copy of the above on MY web server: The "Summary" empowers all GLP-controlled: Government Bureaucrats, Media, Judges, Lawyers, Legislators, Churches, and Educators - from Federal to State to County to Township to City - to all "sing from the same page" (just as they are doing now) in their unending quest to impose the GLP-will on peoples of all lands, -- ESPECIALLY TARGETED TO "REFORM" THE USA. How do I know this? Look on Page 3 of the .pdf file below. You will see listed literally scores (hundreds?) of authors for this Orwellian UN 1984 Vision [See:], but: NOT ONE OF THOSE AUTHORS IS FROM THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Here are the links again: I ASK YOU: - What Could Possibly Go Wrong ?? "You underestimate the power of the Dark Side. If you will not fight, then you will meet your destiny." - Darth Vader. EOF