LAST UPDATE: 20231216 20220221 20200414 Local Path: "C:\DAN\Health\General\Food_Supplement_fyi.txt" Web Path: YT "HEALTH": Latest version always kept online at: (opens this .txt file: Food_Supplement_fyi.txt) NOTE: If you are viewing this file on-line, then your web browser MAY allow you to highlight a link below, then right-click to directly open it on-line (Look, Ma, almost no typing). High Blood Pressure discussion (includes book adv): "C:\DAN\Health\General\Blood_Pressure_Fix.pdf" FOOD SUPPLEMENT WHY's & FYI's ============================= See Also: (.pdf file) ACETYL-L-CARNITINE - ALC's powerful effect on improving mental clarity, focus, mood and memory, and in reducing depression, while boosting processing speed and cognitive function. ALC is a powerful energy-creating compound that appears to rejuvenate the brain, and may significantly slow brain aging. Plus, it increases brain blood flow, and presumably cognition. A study done at the Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences found that it has the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier, where it acts as a powerful antioxidant. This can help to prevent deterioration of brain cells. ALC works well with alpha lipoic acid to create an anti-aging effect on the body. [A & R] LIPOIC ACIDs - Pure R-Lipoic Acid [RLA] is finally available to consumers. and scientists discovered that it is a better form of the nutrient, all around, which makes it the logical choice as a dietary supplement. Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is a mixture of the "R" (natural, preferred) and "S" (synthetic) forms. Seek to buy the R-only (but 2x more expensive) version of the product. Either will improves Insulin Sensitivity. ALA or "R-LA" has been shown to lower glucose levels by 10 to 30 percent and improve insulin function. RLA also has been used to positively prevent and treat diabetic nerve disease and reduce the incidence of cataracts in laboratory animals. The A & R Lipoic Acids are also believed to reverse some of the fundamental signs of aging, according to a recently published animal study in which old rats that were given alpha-lipoic acid supplements had the same energy levels as young rats. BENFOTIAMINE - "Used for decades in Europe as a prescription medication, benfotiamine ameliorates the progression of diabetic nerve, kidney, and retinal damage, and relieves the painful symptoms of diabetic neuropathy. Diabetic neuropathy makes it difficult for nerves to carry messages to the brain and also impairs the function of the microvasculature (tiny blood vessels) in the extremities. The result of this pathological blood-vessel damage is numbness and painful tingling in the feet (and hands) that can eventually result in amputation of the lower extremities." BERBERINE - Metformin [a prescription drug] vs Berberine for Diabetes: "Berberine lowers blood pressure, fights parasites, can effectively lower blood sugar, help with weight loss, and improve heart health and is also anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial. Metformin increases insulin sensitivity. Metformin also lowers glucose production in the liver. Side effects include nausea and diarrhea, and weight gain. A significant, documented side effect of Metformin is Vitamin B12 depletion, further increasing the chances of neuropathy:" CONCLUSION: "This study indicates that berberine has comparable therapeutic effect on type 2 DM, hyperlipidemia and hypertension with no serious side effect:" Berberine is good for blood sugar control. It has been revered in ancient Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. One study shows that subjects who took berberine saw a 35% decrease in fasting blood glucose and a 44% decrease in after-meal blood glucose. Also helps Shuttle glucose into your cells where it’s converted into energy. Promotes a healthy inflammatory response—protecting your heart, cardiovascular system, joints and more. Supports healthy bile flow and production, helping your body dispose of toxins Helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels too "Berberine is a phytonutrient found in many different plants and has a profound effect on AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), a protein involved in metabolism. Activation of AMPK promotes the uptake of glucose in the cells and increases insulin sensitivity. One study showed that berberine performed every bit as well as the popular oral diabetes drug metformin when it came to controlling blood sugar and cholesterol and triglyceride levels. The recommended dosage is 1,000-1,500 mg daily, in divided doses." SOURCE: BETA-SITOSTEROL - Beta-sitosterol has been found to reduce the growth of human prostate and colon cancer cells. It also acts against lymphocytic leukemia. When consumed with cholesterol, beta-sitosterol effectively blocks cholesterol’s absorption, resulting in lower serum cholesterol levels. Beta-sitosterol has also been shown to improve lipoprotein (HDL/LDL) profiles. Diets high in vegetables and fruits are believed to prevent cancer because they contain powerful anti-cancer phytonutrients including beta-sitosterol. Beta-sitosterol is one of the key compounds that suppress carcinogenesis. CHROMIUM - Nearly half-century ago, scientists discovered that deficiencies of this trace mineral were a major contributor to blood sugar problems. Yet 9 out of 10 Americans still don't get enough in their diet. "Chromium is another excellent natural blood sugar modulator. In one study, 180 people with diabetes were divided into three groups. Two groups took chromium (100 mcg or 500 mcg, twice daily) and the third took a placebo. After four months, those who took the chromium showed significant improvement in many diabetes markers. The researchers concluded, “These data demonstrate that supplemental chromium had significant beneficial effects on HbA1c [hemoglobin A1c], glucose, insulin, and cholesterol variables in subjects with type 2 diabetes." SOURCE: CURCUMIN - Anti-Inflammatory which has associated benefits. Helps control Type 2 Diabetes. A remarkable human clinical study has recently revealed that the Curcumin in Tumeric was 100% successful at preventing prediabetic patients from becoming [fully] diabetic (Type I). See also: .\Curcumin_Report.pdf CO-Q10 (aka Ubiguinol) - DIABETES KNOCKOUT COMBO: Banaba leaf extract (Lagerstroemia speciosa L.) Benfotiamine Berberine Bitter melon (Momordica charantia) Chromium Picolinate Cinnamon Curcumin Gymnema sylvestre R lipoic acid SEE: DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) - Reported to have anti-diabetic, anti-dementia, anti-obesity, anti-carcinogenic, anti-stress, immune-enhancing, anti-viral and anti-bacterial, anti-aging and anti-heart disease effects. See: FENUGREEK - Lowers Blood Sugar, Helps with Weight Loss, and Raises Libido "Fenugreek ... also aids in sexual stimulation, balances blood sugar levels, and contains choline which aids the thinking process. Fenugreek has been the focus of several studies for the treatment of diabetes and the prevention of breast cancer. Its antioxidants slow ageing. The plant has also been employed against bronchitis, fevers, sore throats, wounds, swollen glands, skin irritations, diabetes, ulcers, and in the treatment of cancer." FEVERFEW - "It’s known as bachelor’s buttons, midsummer daisy, flirtroot, and featherfoil …but natural healers know it best as feverfew. This daisy-like “weed” grows wild throughout Europe and the United States, and it’s been a staple of folk medicine for generations. Its most common name – feverfew – comes from febrifugia, Latin for fever reducer, because it was primarily used to defeat "hot inflammation" And a plant that’s known for quieting burning heat and inflammation could play a soothing role in neuropathy." Gymnema Sylvestre - Gymnema has been used safely and effectively in Indian Ayurvedic medicine for over 2,000 years for the treatment of “sweet urine,” or diabetes. Studies have shown that Gymnema Reduces the amount of sugar absorbed from food in the intestines. Stimulates insulin production and release. Appears to build pancreatic beta cells, producing insulin efficiency and Supports weight loss L-ARGININE - L-Arginine is a precursor of nitric oxide (NO) in the human body. In the 1990s, scientists discovered that not only is NO an essential compound that helps blood circulation, but it is important to normal sexual function in both men and women. Without arginine there would be no NO, and without NO, men would not be able to have erections. See: L-CARNITINE - L-carnitine helps the body produce energy. It is important for heart and brain function, muscle movement, and many other body processes. AND MAGNESIUM - See: "Dr. Carolyn Dean says: “Magnesium is by far the most important nutrient in the body.” "A magnesium deficiency can lead to a range of chronic health issues. Just to name a few: calcium deficiency, poor heart health, weakness, anxiety and high blood pressure. You can also add type 2 diabetes, respiratory issues, fatigue, poor memory and confusion to the list." Best (most absorbable) Type: Magnesium Glycinate: Metabolic Syndrome - Risks and Resolution: NADH - Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH). It’s a form of vitamin B3, which is also known as niacin. Suggested uses include treating chronic fatigue syndrome, improving mental clarity, alertness, and concentration, depression, jet lag, high blood pressure (hypertension), Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's disease. PYCNOGENOL - Working right alongside l-arginine, this powerful nutrient actually helps l-arginine do its job better (success rate using l-arginine alone is barely 12%). But when l-arginine is combined with a potent plant extract called pycnogenol (French maritime bark extract), you get a powerful sex-enhancing superstar with a success rate to 80%! SALACIA - Salacia Oblonga helps normalize blood sugar and insulin levels, and support healthy blood lipids. Traditionally used to treat diabetes, more recently it has been used as a supplementary food in Japan to prevent diabetes and obesity. Salacia also has potent antioxidant properties, and triglyceride and LDL cholesterol-lowering effects that aid in weight loss. VITAMINs: A "Vitamin A is essential for your health, supporting cell growth, immune function, fetal development and vision. Perhaps one of the best-known functions of vitamin A is its role in vision and eye health. Retinal, the active form of vitamin A, combines with the protein opsin to form rhodopsin, a molecule necessary for color vision and low-light vision (5Trusted Source). It also helps protect and maintain the cornea — the outermost layer of your eye — and the conjunctiva — a thin membrane that covers the surface of your eye and inside of your eyelids." Also: B12 - Select ONLY a supplement with B12 as the methylcobalamin variety (there are two). Do NOT use Cyanocobalamin – the cheaper, hard-to-assimilate synthetic form! D "The recommended form of vitamin D is vitamin D3 or cholecalciferol. This is the natural form of vitamin D" E " should be getting at least 50 mg of gamma tocopherol and that the total mg amount of gamma tocopherol should be greater than the amount of alpha tocopherol IU’s... it is important not to get too much alpha tocopherol relative to the amount of gamma tocopherol" Learn & Enjoy life Longer with the YouTube "HEALTH" Playlist that I maintain: Music can lower your stress levels. Make your own. Play and sing along here: DISCLAIMERS: "Your Results May Vary" "Caution: Wet Floor" "Do Not Play In Traffic" EOF