RELEASING FUEL TANK CONNECTOR ON 750 BREVA I have done this without breaking anything. It is a two-handed operation. This bit came from Mike Haven at MPH: Un plug elec connector, start bike. This lets the pressure off and it comes right apart. Push the grey back into the line, then gently tug the line off.very little force is needed. If you are forcing it or using pliers you are doing it wrong. Push the connector "on" and while holding it on pull the gray lock-ring back in the "off" direction. The connector should come loose. When you get it right it pretty much falls off. When you don't it seems like you need a jackhammer. It's a weird little connector. Somewhere on the site there are pictures of a supplemental connector someone made to avoid having to mess with the factory connector. If you pull the tank off a lot it's probably worth considering. Breaking that little red outlet tube is an expensive pain in the butt. - twf The factory uses a one-time-use “ear clamp” [for the fuel line] put on by a special clamping plier. They are made by Oetiker, a Swiss firm. The clamps are not very expensive and they should be used for replacement filters and lines. An alternative are special clamps for fuel injection lines from auto supply stores, with “rolled” edges to prevent the clamps from digging in. Do not use regular hose clamps. They dig and cut the line over time and will fail. There are other alternatives out there too. For water lines, etc. A search should bring them up. Later today I'll dig one up as well. I had difficulty finding (actually I never found) any t-clamps or fuel injection clamps small enough to fit the lines on my Breva. I ended up ordering a bag of proper-size Oetiker clamps from some eBay vendor specializing in soft drink machines. Seems like a bag of 10 was a couple of dollars. I just used diagonal cutting pliers to clamp them down. - twf In UK here: EOF